Authorities seized 'narco-dolls' in El Dorado
Each of these devices contained 2,411 grams of amphetamines with which 80,000 doses of ecstasy would be made

In 106 days, 101 people have been killed in Cartagena
Most murders occurred during the first month of the year, when 35 homicides were recorded

Proteste a Bogotà: gli studenti bloccano la 72esima strada e la settima corsa
I giovani protesterebbero contro una recente operazione militare condotta dall'esercito nazionale a Putumayo e per sostenere le comunità indigene insediate nel Parco Nazionale.

Protests in Bogotá: Students block 72nd Street and the Seventh Race
Young people would be protesting against a recent military operation carried out by the National Army in Putumayo and to support indigenous communities settled in the National Park

María Angela Holguín was the victim of impersonation in the legislative elections
When the former chancellor arrived at her polling station, the juries showed her that her card was crossed out, as if she had already voted. There was even a print that supposedly belonged to the owner of the document