Horacio Rodríguez Larreta closes his European tour with meetings with leaders of the Popular Party
The head of government of Buenos Aires will hold meetings with the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor of the Spanish capital, José Luis Martínez Almeida

In a presidential plan, Larreta visited the mayor of Berlin and learned about educational experiences from Germany
The head of government of Buenos Aires also visited the city of Hanover. Today he will arrive in Madrid, where he will stay for two days

C40 Summit: Climate Emergency and Recognition for the City
The Argentine capital was recognized in 2015 as “one of the ten cities in the world that has worked the most to counter the effects of climate change”. In addition to this distinction is the aforementioned location of the summit this year

With his European tour, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta is committed to strengthening his “presidential” image by 2023
The head of government of Buenos Aires visits Hannover and Berlin, accompanied by Fernando Straface. He will also go to Madrid. Hold meetings with politicians and businessmen

According to the Buenos Aires crime map, Palermo and Balbanera are the regions with the most robberies.
This figure comes from a recent statistical report by the Municipal Security Department of Buenos Aires. Between the two, it accounts for 17.9% of all attacks.

According to the Buenos Aires crime map, Palermo and Balvanera are the neighborhoods with the most robberies
The figure comes from the recent statistical report of the Ministry of Security of the City of Buenos Aires. Between the two, they account for 17.9 percent of the total assaults

They broke a medium pressure pipe and there was a major gas leak in La Boca
The accident occurred in the early hours of this afternoon. It happened within the framework of the works being carried out for the extension of the Metrobus. There were no injuries

Video: this was the rescue of a young woman who tried to throw herself into the void from a fifth floor in Balvanera
City Fire Personnel led the operation to assist the woman who threatened to launch herself from the top of a building located in Viamonte and Larrea