¿Qué prefieren estudiar los jóvenes peruanos de hoy?
Según la Unitec, los jóvenes buscan autonomía, flexibilidad, capacidad de emprender y sostenibilidad.

Estas son las habilidades de los 38 millones de jóvenes en México
En 2021 unos 6.5 millones de jóvenes tomaron en línea cursos de capacitación para el trabajo, mientras que 11.4 millones buscaron empleo a través de internet

ICYMI: Satirical Olympic Cartoon Book; Surfing in Olympic Waters
#ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It ... Sometimes the best stories don't get the attention we think they deserve.

Centennial Olympic Park Alive Again
(ATR) Atlanta's prominent Olympic legacy reopens after the removal of Covid restrictions.

1996 All Over Again
(ATR) Every day celebrates the Centennial Olympics at the Atlanta History Center...

ATRadio: 1996 Olympics Bomb Suspect Called a Hero
(ATR) Investigators faced pressure to find the culprit for the attack in the midst of the Atlanta Games. Hear more in this podcast.

In the Moment: Olympic Day 1994
(ATR) One of the leading scholars of the Olympics recounts the meeting at the Sorbonne 126 years ago that revived the Olympic Games.

U.S. Unveiled as Host of Centennial Copa America
(ATR) CONCACAF and CONMEBOL have announced that the 2016 Copa America will be played in the United States.