Apps zum Konvertieren von Fotos und Videos in Cartoons oder Anime-Charaktere
Optionen zum Hinzufügen von Filtern, Hinzufügen von Dialogblasen und Generieren kreativer Bilder

Apps to convert photos and videos into cartoons or anime characters
Options for adding filters, adding dialog bubbles and generating creative images

O embaixador russo em Paris foi convocado pelo governo francês para alguns memes repreensíveis
As imagens na conta do Twitter da sede diplomática, publicadas e apagadas esta sexta-feira, contêm alegorias de uma Europa subordinada. O Ministério das Relações Exteriores os descreveu como “inaceitáveis”

The Russian ambassador in Paris was summoned by the French government for some reprehensible memes
The images on the Twitter account of the diplomatic headquarters, published and deleted this Friday, contain allegories of a subordinate Europe. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs described them as “unacceptable”

Ein brasilianisches Comic gewinnt beim Angoulême Festival den Preis für das Album des Jahres
A Brazilian comic book wins the album of the year award at the Angoulême Festival
ICYMI: Satirical Olympic Cartoon Book; Surfing in Olympic Waters
#ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It ... Sometimes the best stories don't get the attention we think they deserve.

Satirical cartoon book targets the olympics
(ATR) Former IOC director and marketing guru Michael Payne calls his book “a fun lockdown project”.