O caso de abuso sexual que terminou com uma escola queimada em BosaUma criança com menos de cinco anos de idade seria vítima neste novo caso de abuso por parte de um professor da instituição de ensino de BogotáThe sexual abuse case that ended with a burnt school in BosaA child under five years of age would be the victim in this new case of abuse by a teacher at the educational institution in BogotáThe sexual abuse case that ended with a burnt school in BosaA child under five years of age would be the victim in this new case of abuse by a teacher at the educational institution in Bogotá如果一名五岁以下的儿童遭到性虐待,他们试图烧毁博萨的一所学校教育部拒绝了这些行为,并呼吁举行一次象征性的活动来促进和解They try to burn down a school in Bosa in case of sexual abuse of a child under fiveThe Ministry of Education rejected the acts and called for a symbolic event to promote reconciliation