Dies wird die zweite Linie der U-Bahn von Bogotá sein
Es wird geschätzt, dass mit den 11 Stationen, die zwischen der 72nd Street und der Stadt Suba geplant sind, mehr als 45.000 Passagiere pro Tag von kürzeren Fahrten profitieren werden

Esta será a segunda linha do metrô de Bogotá
Estima-se que, com as 11 estações projetadas entre a 72nd Street e a cidade de Suba, mais de 45.000 passageiros por dia se beneficiarão de viagens mais curtas

This will be the second line of the Bogotá metro
It is estimated that with the 11 stations projected between 72nd Street and the town of Suba, more than 45,000 passengers per day will benefit from shorter journeys

After 10 years without being seen, a species of snake was found in a workshop yard on the first line of the Bogotá metro
The animal is kept in good condition while biologists do constant work to preserve habitats in the best way while building the front line of the modern transport system.

Dies sind die Straßen, die in Bogotá während der Karwoche gesperrt werden
Einige Beschränkungen werden um mehrere Wochen und Monate verlängert. Weitere könnten in den kommenden Tagen angekündigt werden. Buchen Sie und suchen Sie nach alternativen Strecken.

These are the roads that will be closed in Bogotá during Holy Week
Some restrictions will be extended for several weeks and months. More could be announced in the coming days. Book and start looking for alternate routes.

Bogotá Metro: learn about the transfer of line 2, which will start on 72nd Street and go to Suba
11 stations will be built and the second metro line is expected to start operating in 2030

Bogotá Metro: Erfahren Sie mehr über den Transfer der Linie 2, die in der 72nd Street beginnt und nach Suba führt
11 Stationen werden gebaut und die zweite Metrolinie wird voraussichtlich 2030 in Betrieb gehen

Prototype Metro car in the coming months to Bogotá
The Mayor of Bogotá made it clear that the metro is already being built