Un ave del terror en un desierto colombiano
The New York Times: Edición Español
La guerra de Ucrania ha alterado la migración y reproducción del águila moteada
¿Sueñan los pájaros?
Yahoo Spanish
De dinosaurios a colibríes: un nuevo debate sobre la evolución de las aves
The New York Times: Edición Español
¿Ahora dónde está el 'pájaro némesis'?
The New York Times: Edición Español
Are sparrows disappearing from cities?
Scientific studies have evaluated why these birds are less seen in urban centers and gave several explanations
Work progresses to decontaminate the Bogotá river
With different fronts of works, the sanitation plan is being advanced to repopulate the polluted tributary with fauna and flora
Because of human activity, tropical birds are changing their physiognomy and diet
This is assured by a study carried out by Chinese scientists. They identified biotic homogenization in birds and now the different species are increasingly similar
Cooperation between birds and bees, the best kept secret to getting good coffee
A pioneering study conducted in Costa Rica calculated the effects of these species on cultivation and proposed a better way to measure nature's work
Birds: the beauty of the plumage of males does not guarantee them reproductive success
A research by Spanish scientists on a species of migratory bird, known as flycatchers, showed that having “intermediate” plumage allows them to have greater offspring