Olympic Photodesk -- Scenes from 2018 Technical Briefing in Lausanne
(ATR) Around the Rings was on the scene in Lausanne for the IOC bid cities briefing, the most important milestone for the candidates so far on the road to the July 6 vote for the 2018 Winter Olympic host city.
On the Scene Coverage - PyeongChang Confident After 2018 Olympics Pitch
(ATR) PyeongChang 2018 leaders say they have done a "great job" in communicating their bid concept to IOC members at Wednesday's bid cities briefing in Lausanne.
Annecy 2018 "Back in the Race"-ATR on the Scene
(ATR) Annecy 2018 leaders and IOC members say the French bid has left its troubles behind and has a real chance of winning the race for the Winter Games.
Updated - Monday Memo -- IOC Delays Launch of 2020 Race; Olympic Bids to Lausanne
(ATR) The IOC delays the launch of bidding for the 2020 Olympics by one week ... Cities bidding for 2018 head to Lausanne ... 2012 Olympic Torch Relay route set to be unveiled ... All ahead this week from Around the Rings ...
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