Steigende Lebensmittelpreise führen zu hohen sozialen Kosten: Banxico
Die Bank of Mexico betonte, dass diese Situation die Inflationserwartungen von Familien beeinflussen könnte
Rising food prices lead to high social costs: Banxico
The Bank of Mexico stressed that this situation could affect the inflation expectations of families
The 50 peso banknote was awarded for having the best design in 2021
The International Banknote Society once again awarded the Banco de México for its innovation in the design of its issued banknotes
La banconota da 50 pesos è stata premiata per avere il miglior design nel 2021
L'International Banknote Society ha nuovamente premiato il Banco de México per la sua innovazione nel design delle banconote emesse
Die Überweisungen stiegen in den ersten beiden Monaten des Jahres 2022 um 21,4%: Banxico
Die Bank of Mexico erklärte, dass das Land im Zeitraum Januar und Februar 7,841 Milliarden US-Dollar erhalten habe
Remittances rose 21.4% in the first two months of 2022: Banxico
The Bank of Mexico explained that the country received $7.841 billion in the period of January and February
The Mexican Banking Association “sees no risk” in Banxico's autonomy
Within the framework of the 85th Banking Convention being held in Acapulco, ABM leader Daniel Becker expressed his confidence in the new governor of the central bank, Victoria Rodríguez Ceja