Las amenazas del cambio climático en la salud alcanzaron niveles récord durante 2023

Registro de 50 días adicionales de temperaturas extremas, aumento del 167 % en muertes relacionadas con el calor y pérdidas económicas de 227.000 millones de dólares destacan en el informe de The Lancet

They burned the Azerbaijan flag and the entire delegation left the European Weightlifting Championships

It happened during the parade of the opening ceremony of the event that takes place in Armenia. The person responsible was a well-known designer who was released hours later. Azerbaijani athletes were unable to add new marks that would bring them closer to Paris and could compensate them in the next African Championship.
They burned the Azerbaijan flag and the entire delegation left the European Weightlifting Championships

ECM agrees broadcast rights deal with CBC Sport in Azerbaijan for European Championships Munich 2022

ECM agrees broadcast rights deal with CBC Sport in Azerbaijan for European Championships Munich 2022

1 person was killed and 37 injured after the explosion at a nightclub in Baku, Azerbaijan

Authorities are investigating whether it is a terrorist attack

1 persona è rimasta uccisa e 37 è rimasta ferita dopo l'esplosione in una discoteca a Baku, in Azerbaigian

Le autorità stanno indagando se si tratti di un attacco terroristico

Putin accused Azerbaijan of violating the ceasefire agreement in Nagorny Karabakh by entering the area controlled by the Russian mission

Baku would have used pressure on Russian troops due to the invasion of Ukraine to enter the village of Parukh
Putin accused Azerbaijan of violating the ceasefire agreement in Nagorny Karabakh by entering the area controlled by the Russian mission

Blinken advocated diplomacy to resolve tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan

The United States Secretary of State has called on the parties to show “restraint and intensify commitment to find comprehensive solutions to all outstanding issues”
Blinken advocated diplomacy to resolve tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan



Karate 1 Premier League calendar updated


Olympic Boxing Future Turns on Election

(ATR) Chaos or peaceful transition? The AIBA's contentious presidential election is scheduled for December 12.
Olympic Boxing Future Turns on Election