Armed Conflict

El líder sirio llama a la paz y anuncia un comité para investigar la peor violencia en años

El líder sirio llama a

Perú erradica más de 6.000 hectáreas de plantaciones de hoja de coca en lo que va de 2024

Perú erradica más de 6.000

Los residentes de Al Fasher, decididos a resistir el peor embate de la guerra de Sudán

Los residentes de Al Fasher,

Nuevas acusaciones de acoso contra exconcejal y subgerente de TV pública colombiana

Nuevas acusaciones de acoso contra

Nukak indigenous people and peasantry of Guaviare present coexistence agreement

It seeks to make visible what has been happening in the Nukak territory and, in particular, with the processes of coexistence promoted by the Truth Commission

Nukak indigenous people and peasantry

“Stigmatization is a State Policy”: Cinep

The report notes that the national government implemented a deeply anti-democratic repressive system that treated citizens as criminals or enemies of state security.

“Stigmatization is a State Policy”:

JEP reveals that the UP genocide left at least 5,733 victims

The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) showed that 4,616 members of the left-wing political party were killed and another 1,117 disappeared in events that were mostly executed by State agents and paramilitary groups

JEP reveals that the UP

Afro-Colombian women submit request to search for their loved ones to the UBPD

The Coordination of Afro-Colombian Displaced Women in Resistance 'La Comadre' presented a report documenting 130 search requests to the Unit for the Search for Persons Disappeared (UBPD)

Afro-Colombian women submit request to

“There is a future to be built”: Bonaventure on the Final Report of the Truth Commission

According to the National Center for Historical Memory, in this municipality of 369,753 inhabitants, between 1990 and 2013 there were 4,799 homicides, 475 forced disappearances, 26 massacres with a total of 201 people killed and a total of 152,837 people victims of forced displacement

“There is a future to

JEP grants freedom to Captain (r) Juan Carlos Dueñas for his contribution to the truth

The retired soldier agreed to have participated in the extrajudicial execution of Jaime Gonzáles Quijano, on 26 November 2003 in Barbacoas (Nariño)

JEP grants freedom to Captain