Preview of “The Least Thought War. Tales and memoirs of the Falklands”
Infobae Cultura publishes 'The Falklands are Argentine Literature', a prologue by Sergio Olguín, which opens the book that brings together texts by Luis Gusman, María Teresa Andruetto, Jorge Consiglio and Ariana Harwickz, among others
The Malvinas War in the literary perspective of the “children of democracy”
Sebastián Ávila, Sebastián Basualdo and Nicolás Correa reflect on the contribution and impact of their views on history and the challenges of merging other themes such as love, family relations and sexual diversity with the war
Guillermo Martínez: “Critics have their own novels, their own groups, something like their own literary party”
The award-winning Argentine writer returns to fiction with “La última vez”, where he recreates the literary scene of the 90s. On the verge of death, a consecrated writer gives his last manuscript to an unbribable critic to read his latest manuscript because he believes that they never read the keys to his work properly
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