Alysa Liu’s sudden leap into retirement caught figure skating observers off guard
“Now that I’m finally done with my goals in skating I’m going to be moving on with my life,” said the 16-year-old, who just won her first medal at worlds
U.S. figure skater and father among group of dissidents allegedly targeted in Chinese spying and harassment scheme
Arthur Liu revealed he and his daughter were targets of a spying and harassment scheme allegedly conducted on behalf of the Chinese government targeting dissidents living in the United States. Despite safety concerns, Alysa Liu was able to represent the United States in figure skating during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
U.S. figure skater and father among group of dissidents allegedly targeted in Chinese spying and harassment scheme
Arthur Liu revealed he and his daughter were targets of a spying and harassment scheme allegedly conducted on behalf of the Chinese government targeting dissidents living in the United States. Despite safety concerns, Alysa Liu was able to represent the United States in figure skating during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
Il padre dell'olimpionica statunitense Alysa Liu ha rivelato di essere stato spiato dagli agenti cinesi
Arthur Liu è stato uno degli obiettivi dell'operazione e ha detto di aver accettato di far competere sua figlia a Pechino con le garanzie del Dipartimento di Stato e del Comitato Olimpico degli Stati Uniti.
The father of US Olympian Alysa Liu revealed that they were spied on by Chinese agents
Arthur Liu was one of the targets of the operation and said he agreed to let his daughter compete in Beijing with guarantees from the State Department and the United States Olympic Committee
كشف والد الأولمبي الأمريكي أليسا ليو أنه تم التجسس عليهم من قبل عملاء صينيين
كان آرثر ليو أحد أهداف العملية وقال إنه وافق على السماح لابنته بالتنافس في بكين بضمانات من وزارة الخارجية واللجنة الأولمبية الأمريكية.
Der Vater des US-Olympioniken Alysa Liu gab bekannt, dass sie von chinesischen Agenten ausspioniert wurden
Arthur Liu war eines der Ziele der Operation und erklärte sich bereit, seine Tochter mit Garantien des Außenministeriums und des Olympischen Komitees der Vereinigten Staaten in Peking antreten zu lassen.
O pai da atleta olímpica norte-americana Alysa Liu revelou que eles foram espionados por agentes chineses
Arthur Liu foi um dos alvos da operação e disse que concordou em deixar sua filha competir em Pequim com garantias do Departamento de Estado e do Comitê Olímpico dos Estados Unidos.
Le père de l'olympienne américaine Alysa Liu a révélé qu'ils avaient été espionnés par des agents chinois
Arthur Liu était l'une des cibles de l'opération et a déclaré qu'il avait accepté de laisser sa fille concourir à Pékin avec les garanties du département d'État et du Comité olympique des États-Unis.
El padre de la atleta olímpica estadounidense Alysa Liu reveló que fueron espiados por agentes chinos
Arthur Liu fue uno de los objetivos de la operación y dijo que accedió a dejar que su hija compitiera en Beijing con garantías del Departamento de Estado y el Comité Olímpico de Estados Unidos