Le clan du Golfe recruterait des dissidents des FARC
L'alliance entre des groupes illégaux se produirait alors que les deux parties chercheraient à commettre des actes terroristes dans certaines régions du territoire national.
Gulf clan would be hiring FARC dissidents
The alliance between illegal groups would occur as both sides seek to carry out terrorist acts in some areas of the national territory
For attempted feminicide he was captured renowned composer vallenato
The presidential candidate had announced rapprochements with the former president and said she was grateful to the former president for his freedom, after having been kidnapped by the FARC
Pour tentative de féminicide, il a été capturé célèbre compositeur vallenato
La candidate à la présidentielle avait annoncé des rapprochements avec l'ancien président et s'était dite reconnaissante envers l'ancien président pour sa liberté, après avoir été kidnappée par les FARC.
Human Right Watch dénonce les alliances entre les forces armées vénézuéliennes et l'Eln
Le rapport de l'organisation non gouvernementale confirmerait ce qui a été dit par le ministère colombien de la Défense, qui a indiqué les accords entre ces groupes qui ont affecté la sécurité à la frontière entre la Colombie et le Venezuela
Human Right Watch denounces alliances between Venezuelan armed forces and the Eln
The report of the non-governmental organization would confirm what was said by the Colombian Ministry of Defense, which has indicated the agreements between these groups that have been affecting security on the border between Colombia and Venezuela
Fico Gutiérrez said he will seek to expand his alliances with traditional sectors of Colombian politics
The candidate of Team for Colombia released a statement in which he shows that he wants to continue expanding the list of allies to be able to move to a possible runoff