The Government is waiting for a reply by Cristina Kirchner, who deepens her silence after the harsh message of Alberto Fernández
The Head of State again clarified that management decisions are made by him and that there is no “collegiate presidency”. Unit orders multiply, but internal cracks remain open
Despite the fact that the dialogue between Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner continues to be cut off, internal channels are beginning to open up to rebuild the coalition
Two positions coexist within the Front of All. One sector asks the President to show authority and distance himself from Kirchnerism. Another one to talk to the Vice President and prevent the fracture of the alliance from being exposed and total for the sake of management
The grudge that grows and grows within the Kirchner family
In the jolt of the rupture, personal disputes, insults and suspicions flourish between people who previously closed ranks against alleged common enemies
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