National strike in 2021: the security forces would have been involved in 44 homicides, according to Indepaz
With four days to go before the first anniversary of the social outbreak against the Government of Iván Duque, Indepaz releases a report that shows violence and alleged police abuse during demonstrations

Video: With 10 police officers, they arrested two children who sold sweets in central Oaxaca
The Office of the Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca has already opened an investigation kit for the alleged abuse of authority
Investigation of Semar agents who assaulted tourists in Bacalar in alleged drunkenness
Allegedly, the elements refused to pay the bill after having ingested alcoholic beverages and after an argument they had pointed their rifles at civilians on the premises.

Prosecutor's Office to Investigate Daniel Quintero for Alleged Abuse of Power in Libel Case
Álvaro Guillermo Rendón's lawyer delivered conversations and audios that would prove that the mayor had overstepped

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Para evitar cualquier imprevisto es importante conocer el pronóstico del tiempo

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