What will be the future of smart speakers?
Voice assistants are already part of everyday life. For example, in the car we can control the phone and at home we can control the TV. Smart speakers with integrated voice assistants go even further. With the corresponding command, you surf the Internet and read the weather forecast or news.
What will be the future of smart speakers?
Voice assistants are already part of our daily lives. For example, we can control the phone in the car and control the TV at home.The smart speaker with integrated voice assistant goes even further. Use those commands to surf the Internet and read the weather forecast and news.
What will be the future of smart speakers?
Voice assistants are already part of everyday life. For example, in the car we can control the phone and at home we can control the TV. Smart speakers with integrated voice assistants go even further. With the corresponding command, you surf the Internet and read the weather forecast or news.
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