Ponzi Scheme


Juliana Company(Juliana Company)の検察官は、集団放送に参加し、ソーシャルネットワークに出演した元裁判官の逮捕を要求しました。さらに、彼はブエノスアイレスの会社ビルを襲撃し、リーダーのレオナルド・コシトルトはまだ巨大です。



Juliana Company(Juliana Company)の検察官は、集団放送に参加し、ソーシャルネットワークに出演した元裁判官の逮捕を要求しました。さらに、彼はブエノスアイレスの会社ビルを襲撃し、リーダーのレオナルド・コシトルトはまだ巨大です。


They called for the international capture of Hector Yrimia, a former judge and “legal director” of the Joe generation.

The prosecutor of the Juliana Company (Juliana Company) has requested the arrest of a former judge who participated in a collective broadcast and appeared on social networks. In addition, he raided the company building in Buenos Aires, and the leader Leonardo Cocitorto is still huge.


They called for the international capture of Hector Yrimia, a former judge and “legal director” of the Joe generation.

The prosecutor of the Juliana Company (Juliana Company) has requested the arrest of a former judge who participated in a collective broadcast and appeared on social networks. In addition, he raided the company building in Buenos Aires, and the leader Leonardo Cocitorto is still huge.


They called for the international capture of Hector Yrimia, a former judge and “legal director” of the Joe generation.

The prosecutor of the Juliana Company (Juliana Company) has requested the arrest of a former judge who participated in a collective broadcast and appeared on social networks. In addition, he raided the company building in Buenos Aires, and the leader Leonardo Cocitorto is still huge.



Juliana Company(Juliana Company)の検察官は、集団放送に参加し、ソーシャルネットワークに出演した元裁判官の逮捕を要求しました。さらに、彼はブエノスアイレスの会社ビルを襲撃し、リーダーのレオナルド・コシトルトはまだ巨大です。



Juliana Company(Juliana Company)の検察官は、集団放送に参加し、ソーシャルネットワークに出演した元裁判官の逮捕を要求しました。さらに、彼はブエノスアイレスの会社ビルを襲撃し、リーダーのレオナルド・コシトルトはまだ巨大です。


They called for the international capture of Hector Yrimia, a former judge and “legal director” of the Joe generation.

The prosecutor of the Juliana Company (Juliana Company) has requested the arrest of a former judge who participated in a collective broadcast and appeared on social networks. In addition, he raided the company building in Buenos Aires, and the leader Leonardo Cocitorto is still huge.


They called for the international capture of Hector Yrimia, former judge and “legal director” of Generation Zoe

The prosecutor Juliana Companys requested the arrest of the former magistrate who participated in presentations of the group and was exposed on social networks. He also raided the firm's Buenos Aires premises while leader Leonardo Cositorto remains at large


Hanno chiesto la cattura internazionale di Hector Yrimia, un ex giudice e «direttore legale» della generazione Joe.

Il procuratore Juliana Company ha chiesto l'arresto di un ex giudice che ha partecipato allo spettacolo del gruppo e visualizzato sui social network. Ha anche fatto irruzione nell'edificio dell'azienda a Buenos Aires e il leader Leonardo Cocitorto è ancora enorme.
