

Isabel Acevedo responds to Christian Domínguez after saying that she took him away from her son: “I know I did things right”

The dancer Isabel Acevedo has been accused by Christian Domínguez of having taken her less away from her son when they were in a relationship, that is why he does not forgive her. The winner of Queens of the Show did not remain silent and answered her.
Isabel Acevedo responds to Christian Domínguez after saying that she took him away from her son: “I know I did things right”

Isabel Acevedo responds to Christian Domínguez after saying that she took him away from her son: “I know I did things right”

The dancer Isabel Acevedo has been accused by Christian Domínguez of having taken her less away from her son when they were in a relationship, that is why he does not forgive her. The winner of Queens of the Show did not remain silent and answered her.
Isabel Acevedo responds to Christian Domínguez after saying that she took him away from her son: “I know I did things right”

Isabel Acevedo responds to Christian Domínguez after saying that she distanced him from his son: “I know I did things right”

The dancer Isabel Acevedo was accused by Christian Domínguez of distancing him from his son less when they were a couple, which is why he does not forgive her. The winner of Queens of the Show did not stay silent and responded to her.
Isabel Acevedo responds to Christian Domínguez after saying that she distanced him from his son: “I know I did things right”

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