“Turnip” for “Chaparo”: CJNGN internal dispute over the massacre of San Jose de Gracia
At the funeral of the “Pelon” mother, the federal authorities confirmed that the murder was due to an old revenge between members of the criminal group, but warned that the leaders of the organization would fulfill the same goals as the government and reconstruct the local structure.
“Turnip” for “Chaparo”: CJNGN internal dispute over the massacre of San Jose de Gracia
At the funeral of the “Pelon” mother, the federal authorities confirmed that the murder was due to an old revenge between members of the criminal group, but warned that the leaders of the organization would fulfill the same goals as the government and reconstruct the local structure.
“Turnip” for “Chaparo”: CJNGN internal dispute over the massacre of San Jose de Gracia
At the funeral of the “Pelon” mother, the federal authorities confirmed that the murder was due to an old revenge between members of the criminal group, but warned that the leaders of the organization would fulfill the same goals as the government and reconstruct the local structure.
“Turnip” for “Chaparo”: CJNGN internal dispute over the massacre of San José de Gracia
At the funeral of the mother of “Pelon”, the federal authorities confirmed that the murder was due to old revenge between members of the criminal group, but warned that the leaders of the organization will act the same goal as the Government, and reorganize local structures.
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