Jornada del viernes dejó un muerto en Puno, enfrentamientos en protestas en Lima y violencia en marchas en Arequipa

Luego de la jornada de la Toma de Lima, cientos de manifestantes volvieron a las calles. En la capital marcharon por las calles del Cercado, mientras que en Arequipa se registraron enfrentamientos por el intento de toma del aeropuerto. En Ilave hubo un fallecido



05:52 hs21/01/2023

La Red de Salud El Collao confirmó a través de un comunicado que una persona falleció este viernes durante las protestas en Ilave, Puno. La víctima fue identificada como Isidro Arcata Mamani de 62 años, y murió a causa de un shock hipovolémico, que es la pérdida grave de sangre que hace que el corazón sea incapaz de bombear

Se confirma un muerto más en Puno
Se confirma un muerto más en Puno
03:44 hs21/01/2023

Los manifestantes se retiraron de la zona y el Cercado de Lima luce despejado a esta hora

Los manifestantes se retiraron de la zona y el Cercado de Lima luce despejado a esta hora. Canal N
03:20 hs21/01/2023

En Ilave, Puno, se registra un video de agentes policiales aparentemente disparando a los manifestantes. Hay varios heridos en esa localidad

02:28 hs21/01/2023

Ministros hacen un balance en el segundo día de manifestaciones en Lima

Pronunciamiento del Gobierno - 20/01/2023

🔴 Ahora | Ministros de Estado emiten declaración conjunta sobre los acontecimientos ocurridos en las recientes protestas realizadas en Lima y regiones.

Posted by TVPerú Noticias on Friday, January 20, 2023
02:27 hs21/01/2023

Exministro del Interior, Rubén Vargas, resalta el trabajo de la PNP

Exministro del Interior, Rubén Vargas, resalta el trabajo de la PNP. Canal N
01:52 hs21/01/2023

Manifestantes hacen uso de luces láser durante la marcha de este viernes

Manifestantes hacen uso de luces láser durante la marcha de este viernes. Canal N
01:50 hs21/01/2023

Enfrentamientos no cesan en el Cercado de Lima

Enfrentamientos no cesan en el Cercado de Lima
01:49 hs21/01/2023

Red de Salud El Collao reporta que tras los enfrentamientos de hoy, viernes 20 de enero en la ciudad de Ilave se atendieron a cinco personas por emergencia

Heridos en Ilave, Puno
Heridos en Ilave, Puno
01:18 hs21/01/2023

Cientos de manifestantes llegaron este viernes al Cercado de Lima, un día después de la llamada Toma de Lima. Hasta el momento se han podido ver algunos brotes de violencia

A riot police officer points with a weapon during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
A riot police officer points with a weapon during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
Riot police walk amid smoke during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
Riot police walk amid smoke during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
A protester looks at riot police during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
A protester looks at riot police during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
A protester is detaine during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
A protester is detaine during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
A riot police officer uses a weapon during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
A riot police officer uses a weapon during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda
Riot police officers stand next to a burning barricade during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Pilar Olivares
Riot police officers stand next to a burning barricade during the 'Take over Lima' march to demonstrate against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Pilar Olivares
People take part in the 'Take over Lima' demonstration against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Angela Ponce
People take part in the 'Take over Lima' demonstration against Peru's President Dina Boluarte, following the ousting and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Angela Ponce
00:37 hs21/01/2023

Manifestantes lanzan piedras y la policía responde con gases lacrimógenos en el Cercado de Lima

Manifestantes lanzan piedras y la policía responde con gases lacrimógenos en el Cercado de Lima. Canal N