Why in Peru do water bags hang in homes and restaurants?

Find out what is the reason for this curious tradition that has accompanied Peruvians for several years.




Each country presents a series of customs and traditions that are part of the history of each family. In Peru, these nuclei have their own mechanisms for coexistence, some more curious than others, which makes us a unique territory.

If you are a curious person, you may have opted for unusual accessories that decorate the homes of our country. Whether it's the bottles on the roof or sneakers that appear on the light wires. Added to these is one that has a history linked to Asian culture and here we explain why.

If you've been visiting a jungle house, restaurant or a place in green areas where mosquitoes are present, you may have seen water bags hanging on roofs or windows. Do you know what they are for and why they place them that way?

Whether in a bucket, bottle or bag, these items serve to ward off flies and mosquitoes that may be circulating where you are. According to the stories that are told in families, this would be a trick that is used in many countries in Asia and that were taken by our ancestors so that they do not interrupt them at sleep time or when they are eating. It makes some sense, doesn't it?

Although it does not kill them, because it does not contain a liquid that does, if it frightens them away and moves them away from the area where the bags are placed. The reflection of light with water affects their eyesight so they cannot tolerate it.



There are several tricks that you can put into practice. Among them are placing aromatic plants in a room, apple cider vinegar in a bottle near the window and placing on a plate lemon cut into slices with cloves.

Did you know what... Flies keep their senses on their toes even while they sleep. Researchers at Imperial College London found that fruit flies react to odors even while resting. Moreover, they are not as harmless as previously thought. These insects are carriers of bacteria that they carry from one place to another.


According to the UN, one million plastic bottles are bought every minute and 500 billion bags are used annually. Eight million tons end up in the oceans every year, threatening marine life. For a bag to degrade, it takes 55 years and approximately 500 years for a bottle of the same material to make it.

Due to the new changes implemented in society by the authorities, many shopping centers and stores around the world sell plastic bags or charge additional money for their use. This is one of the reasons why some accessories made with fabric or recycled are promoted.

En la imagen, una tortuga marina enredada con una bolsa de plástico de un solo uso. Foto: WWF- Troy Maine
En la imagen, una tortuga marina enredada con una bolsa de plástico de un solo uso. Foto: WWF- Troy Maine

The fact: However, the US Federal Department of Health and Drugs, the FDA, did not validate the method. In addition, a study by entomologist Michel Stringham of the University of North Carolina on laying hen farms found more fly droppings in the ground area under the sacks and in the surrounding areas than in areas where they were not placed, leading the researcher to assume that the efficiency of this practice was nil.


