Why do cockroaches fly and “attack”?

In addition, he also knows why there are white cockroaches, which have been called “albino cockroaches”.




One of the insects that brings the most negative sensations is undoubtedly the cockroach and it is impossible not to encounter any during the seasons of the year, especially in summer. However, there is a great particularity that causes doubts in people and that is why some people fly and others do not.

The fear or rejection that this type of insect can generate increases when we have the feeling that they are flying towards us to attack us, but how real is this, are they really looking to scare us and attack us?

Before answering all your questions it is necessary to know important facts about this arthropod.


According to various studies, cockroaches have existed for about 350 million years. This means that they were present in the time of the dinosaurs and after their extinction.

Studies have concluded that blatodeos (scientific name for cockroaches) have survived during different stages of the planet's life due to their rapid growth, high fecundity, and great adaptability.


These insects have two wings; however, they are not used to fly, since they do not have the ability to do so. But how is this possible?

Cockroaches plan to a certain extent and do it in an “uncontrolled” way. They spread their wings usually when they are frightened and try to escape by “flying”. Their glide mode moves in the form of the number “8″ and that is why they sometimes go directly to the person in front of them.

These blatodeos do not have flight markers in the brain like feathered animals and that prevents them from having balance and tactile receptors, which is why they hit the wall.

They all have these two wings, but it is easier for them to run fast and run away than to fly. That is why not all of them use their wings to 'fly'.



Another question that arises in humans is why we find these insects in white, which are also known as “albino cockroaches”.

The answer is simple, the white cockroaches that coexist with the dark reddish ones we all know are the same. They are the same species, only they are in one of the stages of transformation to finally take on the characteristic color by which we identify them.

The cycle of these is egg, nymph and adult. The stage of the white color is “nymph” and they are waiting for the necessary pigmentation that will take place in the passage of a few hours.


An adult female lives up to 15 months. In the case of males, this time is somewhat reduced. The number of offspring that can bring an invertebrate into the world can be up to 800 per year.


Cockroaches don't bite, but they do chew and do so for food. They can eat paper, hair, shells and so on, but above all they look for decomposition rich in sugars and fats.

If the cockroach feels anxious it can bite an individual, but it is highly unlikely that it will use it as a defense mechanism against humans. What should be taken into account is the cleaning of feet, eyelashes or nails, since they are the places where natural waste accumulates and the best buffet for these invertebrates.

FACT: These arthropods bite 50 times harder than their body weight, that is , they bite 5 times harder than a human being.

Take into account that these insects do not have teeth in their mouths, they have them in their stomachs. They use the two horizontal pieces they have and which also serve as strong blades, used not only to cut up food, but also to dig, defend themselves, transport objects and feed their young.


