Tremor of 4.4 degrees was felt in Antioquia

According to the Geological Survey, the epicenter of this telluric movement was in the municipality of Turbo, subregion of Urabá, northwest of the department.


On April 24, in the department of Antioquia, there was a strong earthquake, with a magnitude of 4.4, with a depth of less than 30 kilometers. According to the Geological Survey, the epicenter of this telluric movement was in the municipality of Turbo, subregion of Urabá, northwest of the department.

“Seismic Event - Bulletin Updated 1, 2022-04-24, 20:49 local time Magnitude 4.4, Surface Depth (Less than 30 km), Turbo - Antioquia, Colombia Did you feel this earthquake? report it #Temblor #Sismo”, indicates the entity on Twitter.

The inhabitants of this department and those located in the border area with that sector of the country, say that they also felt the tremor in the Pacific and in the center of the country. So far the authorities have not reported any damage or casualties.

It is noteworthy that, there was also an event of that magnitude, about four o'clock in the morning of April 25, an earthquake of magnitude of 3.2 but with a depth of 113 kilometers was reported. The epicenter was the municipality of Yotoco, in the department of Valle del Cauca.

“An earthquake is the sudden release of large amounts of energy, which is represented in waves that travel inside the earth and that when they reach the surface are perceived by people and structures, causing different levels of damage and loss. A seismic movement triggers a series of additional situations that increase risk levels in the population, such as landslides, floods, fires, tsunamis in coastal areas”, National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD).

He explained that “Colombia is located in a complex geological zone, it is influenced by the union and activity of the South American, Nazca and Caribbean tectonic plates, and inland by multiple geological faults such as that of Romeral and the Piedemonte Llanero fault. Since 1997, the country has been studying seismic hazard zoning, which divides the territory into three types or levels of threat: high, medium and low. Similarly, based on this study, the first NSR 98 Earthquake Resistant Construction Regulations were generated, which was updated in 2010 (NSR 10)”.

The UNGRD indicated that “when an earthquake or any other emergency occurs, the key is to remain calm, this will allow it to act more safely. To the extent that what needs to be done with your family has been prepared, documented and participated in drills, the easier it will be for everyone to cope with the emergency situation in the best way.”

It also gives other recommendations such as:

-If you are in an earthquake resistant construction, place yourself near columns, under a desk or in areas marked as safe, always away from glass or items that may fall.

-You are in an informal construction, try to leave immediately, during departure, monitor your surroundings to identify hazards during evacuation.

-Never use elevators to evacuate.

-Do not place it under the door frames, as it is not a safe place, the frame helps to dissipate the energy of the earthquake, so it can break and collapse.

-In a wheelchair, place yourself next to a column or safe place, brake the chair and protect your head with your arms. Make sure that in your place of study and work, they have specific measures in place to support you in evacuation.

-In your home and only if possible, open the front door and the rooms, as they could lock and leave you and your family locked up.

-If you are lying down and cannot go to a safe place, stay in bed or on the side and protect your head with your arms or pillow.

- On the street, observe your surroundings and find a safe place. Try to stay away from poles and cables. Move away from the facades as parts of it may fall like bricks or glass, with caution go to the center of the street, be careful with vehicles, it is very possible that drivers will not find sense of the earthquake.

-If you are driving a vehicle on the streets of a city or municipality and you notice an earthquake, slow down and stop in a safe place where possible (away from poles, cables, fences).
