These are the trees that could replace the palm tree of the Glorieta de la Palma

Mexico City (CDMX) opened a vote where citizens will be able to vote among seven species of trees


After more than 100 years of serving as a symbol of Mexico City (CDMX), the iconic palm tree of La Glorieta de la Palma was withdrawn on the night of the 24th of april.

Faced with uncertainty as to what would replace the imposing tree, the CDMX government launched a consultation for citizens to decide which species will continue to adorn the crossing between Paseo de la Reforma, Rhin River and Calle de Niza.

The vote will take place on the page https://lapalmadereforma.cdmx.gob. It unfolds and explains each of the seven tree options with which to replace the old palm - and with it, the possible change of the name of the roundabout.

If the person is not convinced, there is also the alternative of voting for “another option” so that the authorities look for alternative alternatives.


1. Palma Canario

It is the same species of the palm that has already been removed: with a life expectancy of up to 200 years, this tree can grow from 10 to 19 meters in height.

Although its soil and climate are different, this tree has adapted to the conditions of Mexico City, thus becoming one of the most used palm trees in gardening.

2. Jacaranda

One of the great attractions of CDMX for its purple flowers that adorn the streets of the capital, reaching its peak in the first days of March.

Native to South America, this species can live up to 100 years and reach a height of 30 meters high.


3. Sicomoro mexicano

The Sycamore is one of the oldest specimens in history, so much so that it is named in the bible.

This Mexican species is characterized by its rapid growth which allows it to reach from 15 to 25 meters in height, as well as 400 years of life expectancy.

4. Ceiba

With a height of around 70 meters, Ceiba (originally from Mesoamerica) is not a common species in CDMX, however, those found have registered a favorable development.

5. Fresno

Another Mexican species on the list: ceiba is one of the most likely to adapt to the capital's soil and, with it, reach the ideal life expectancy that goes between 80 and 100 years.

They are also endowed with rapid growth, which allows them to reach up to 20 meters in height.


6. Ahuehuete

In addition to being another Mexican specimen, it is also one of the symbols of native Mexico, which can live up to 3 thousand years.

These are currently found in the Chapultepec Forest, Xochimilco, Azcapotzalco and in the Diana Huntress Roundabout.

7. La Manita Tree

This species has a great value of Mexican biodiversity because, in addition to its aesthetic value, it was also used for medicinal use and is even part of a pre-Hispanic legend which indicates that the red threads on its leaves are the hand of a Mexican princess.

Despite this, it has had a limited distribution in the southeast of the country, even the Secretariat of the Environment (Semarnat) has identified it as a species to be protected.

However, experts consulted by the CDMX Government assure that this tree can be perfectly coupled to the Reforma Roundabout.
