Landslides, missing persons and public calamity: rains cause emergencies in several areas of the country, more than 28 dead

The National Unit for Risk Management reiterates that the natural phenomenon is inevitable, so it is necessary for people to follow the recommendations and precautions for the winter season


During the third week of April, rainfall increased in the country and along with these, emergencies in hundreds of municipalities. Rainfall is expected to increase and be 40% more intense than the normal average, according to IDEAM, and will extend during the month of May.

The department of Cundinamarca, in the Andean region, has been one of the most affected. This Saturday the public calamity was declared in order to be able to attend to the emergencies that have already arisen and involve 85 municipalities of the 116.

In the municipality of Viotá, an avalanche occurred last Friday, which left three dead and two disappeared, who continue to be searched by emergency agencies. The authorities evacuated other families from the area where the emergency occurred due to the risk of new events.

In the municipality of Arbeláez, there was also an emergency due to the overflow of the Legía ravine, which dragged four people, three adults and one minor, who were showing a property. Firefighters from several municipalities are looking for people.

In Bogotá, the rains over the weekend left images of a heavy hail at the exit of the La Calera road. During the night of this Sunday, a tree fell in race 7 with 245 street, which affected a van and the total blockage of the road.

IDEAM also declared a red alert on the Bogotá River due to the high level of water, which has already registered overflow in the municipality of Tocaima and which keeps the municipalities of Tena, La Mesa, Anapoima, Apulo, Tocaima, Agua de Dios and Girardot at risk, according to the newspaper El Espectador, due to possible overflow of rivers that receive waters of the capital.

In the department of Quindío, there have also been high levels of rainfall affecting at least 50% of municipalities, according to Caracol Radio. The Secretary of the Interior, Magda Inés Montoya, explained that the contingency plan and the enlistment of emergency response agencies were activated. The most affected municipalities to date are Calarcá, Salento, Armenia, Buenavista, Pijao, Cordoba and Genoa.

In the north of the country, the La Niña phenomenon has also wreaked havoc. In Santa Marta, the rains over the weekend caused flooding on the roads of at least 30 neighborhoods and the collapse of a wall of a house.

According to the newspaper El Heraldo, emergencies have also occurred in the department of Magdalena. In the district of Palmor de la Sierra, in Ciénaga, there was a landslide that has affected at least 20 houses, and they were held incommunicado due to a collapse on the road.

They call on the authorities to re-establish communication with the district and address the situation that has the community on alert. Residents told the newspaper that two wounded had to be evacuated on foot.

In the capital of Tolima, Ibagué, floods also occurred in several neighborhoods due to the rains and a blockage of the sewer system. According to the newspaper El Tiempo, in Valle del Cauca, 27 of the 42 municipalities are already affected by the rains.

The same thing happens in the department of Antioquia, during the weekend emergencies occurred in Rionegro, Marinilla, Turbo, Vigia del Fuerte, Chigorodó and Apartado. In addition, a total of 40 municipalities are on alert due to rainfall, several due to landslides and floods. This Monday, the Manizales Medellín highway was closed preventively due to collapses.

