Elections in Tamaulipas: Safety, Health and Economy were the themes of the First Debate between candidates

The debates help citizens define the meaning of their vote, hence the importance of local electoral institutes coordinating such activities

Fotografía de archivo fechada el
Fotografía de archivo fechada el 6 de junio de 2021, donde se observa el conteo de votos en una casilla electoral en la ciudad de Guadalajara, estado de Jalisco (México). EFE/ Francisco Guasco

This Sunday, April 24, the first debate was held between candidates seeking the Tamaulipas government, where the central issues were security, health and economic development, so the candidates of the Juntos Hacemos Historia (Morena, PT and PVEM), Going for Mexico (PRI, PAN and PRD) and Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) coalition promoted their state project to be able to attract the electorate that will be pronounced on Sunday, June 5.

On the part of the National Action Party (PAN), and in alliance with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), it was Cesar Verástegui Ostos, who argued that his peers are useless.

“Arturo is kept by his father-in-law and he is also nicknamed 'the dump', which is useless; Américo is called 'the lukewarm', which is also good for nothing [...] (Villarreal Anaya) has never worked, he retired and his son has it based. He continues to offend with demagoguery, what can he say to children with cancer, to their parents”

He also argued that his integrity as a citizen and politician is impeccable. In this sense, he argued that “I do bet on what I have done all my life, I have never agreed with crime like him (Villarreal), to say if he agreed with the Carmonas and if he deposited money in another country.”


On his own, Villarreal Anaya said that the current government had contact with businessman Carmona, in addition, he said that in Tamaulipas there is 94% coverage of cancer drugs for children and adolescents. An assertion that contradicts what was stated by the detractors of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

“The problem of children with cancer is a pain that we all suffer, drugs have been arriving in social security and ISSSTE, and with the difficulty of the pandemic the international tender is being opened”

Regarding the level of debate, the standard-bearer of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the Labour Party (PT) and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), condemned that his peers attacked him without presenting a solid argument. He also said that the state can be rescued, but it is necessary to establish dialogue with the productive sectors.

“As we said, Tamaulipas is very rich, that's why he has problems and great opportunities, talking to entrepreneurs and seeing what great projects there are”


Díez Gutiérrez Navarro said that for the economic recovery, in the post-COVID-19 period, it is of the utmost importance to start the administration. Thus, the flag bearer for the orange party promised to support the Tamaulipas Fund, “because there are people who do not have credits and opportunities, it will be given to women, young people and older adults”.

In this regard, he pointed out that if this campaign promise materializes, the local administration will only ask that the beneficiaries, when requesting such support, should only be from the state: “have a domicile and tell us what business they will undertake”.

Regarding one of the security issues, the candidate promised to resolve the issue of salaries to police elements: “We will review our police officers with a corporation with better salaries, which takes care of and safeguards the interests of the Tamaulipeans, is the number one priority.” This is expected to improve the conditions in which the elements of justice can better carry out their work.

