Elections in Oaxaca: Due to the death of the father of one of the candidates, IEEPCO postponed the debate

The electorate of Oaxaca will have to wait indefinitely to see the exchange of ideas and arguments that will be established by the candidates for governor

This Sunday, April 24, the debate between candidates aspiring to the government of Oaxaca was scheduled; however, the death of the father of one of the candidates caused him to be postponed, as some opposition politicians sympathized with the mourning of the debtor and agreed not to appear at the event.

Next Sunday, June 5, six new governorships will be defined: Aguascalientes, Durango, Tamaulipas, Quintana Roo, Hidalgo and Oaxaca, where the candidates of the coalitions Va por México (PRI, PAN and PRD) and Juntos Hacemos Historia (Morena, PT and PVEM) will star in the recruitment of the electorate; however, preference in each entity is considered differently.

Particularly in Oaxaca, the opposition coalition is divided, because while the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) go together, the National Action Party (PAN) has a single candidate; however, this did not prevent them from joining in the duel that Solomón Jara Cruz is going through , candidate of the Together We Make History.

And it is that at 09:24 hours (central Mexico time), Jara Cruz announced, via social networks, that her father, Moisés Jara Bolaños, lost his life. He therefore announced that he would not attend the debate scheduled by the State Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of Oaxaca (IEEPCO).

Consequently, Alejandro Avilés, of the PRI and PRD; and Naty Díaz, of the PAN, announced that they will not appear for the debate, this in respect of the duel of their competitor from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena). “I regret the sensitive death of Mr. Moisés Jara Bolaños, father of Engineer Salomón Jara Cruz. We pray for your eternal rest and prompt resignation from family and friends,” said Diaz.

However, there were politicians who decided to go to the electoral commitment, since Alejandra García, from Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), and Bersahín López, from the Nueva Alianza Party (Panal) were present at the debate. A short time later, García Morlan, seeing the lack of participants, left the event.

Thus, IEEPCO ended the debate and was forced to reschedule it. This is in line with the agenda of local debates, since the thematic axes planned for the other will not be the same as they were in this one. For this first exercise, it was planned to discuss Security, Care for Vulnerable Populations and Equality between Women and Men.

The communiqué of the local electoral institute explains that this decision was taken on the grounds that there were not adequate conditions for the planned dynamics to be carried out satisfactorily. The IEEPCO is therefore expected to set an additional date to be able to materialize this discussion and expand the panorama of the electorate in Oaxaca. Meanwhile, the date of the second debate remains still: Sunday, May 15.