AMLO contradicted celebrities and activists: he assured that they were the ones who rejected the dialogue of the Maya Train

Actors called to meet with real environmentalists, whom the president doubted


At a press conference, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) said that actors who previously spoke out against Section 5 of the Maya Train publicly refused to engage in dialogue with him and asked that he instead hold a meeting with environmental experts and activists, whose credibility was questioned by the president.

However, he assured that his government will receive them and they will be attended by the director of the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (FONATUR), to prevent his figure from being used by “corrupt conservatives”.

He also reiterated his invitation for the characters who criticize his flagship mega-project to dialogue with the communities, because, he asserted, they are not the ones who are against it and proof of this are the permits signed by the ejidatarios themselves and owners of the land where the Mayan Train will pass.

If he did not accept it, López Obrador commented that it would not be a social problem, but a “political one”.

