Yolanda Martínez's father carried Debanhi Escobar's coffin; asks for help locating his daughter

Yolanda Martínez disappeared on March 31 in the municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza, despite not having sufficient resources, her father tirelessly seeks her on his own



The father of Yolanda Martínez, a young woman who disappeared in Nuevo León, was present at Debanhi Escobar's funeral and even helped carry the girl's coffin.

The hope of seeing Debanhi Escobar alive again vanished on the night of Thursday, April 21, when authorities notified his relatives of the discovery of a body in one of the cisterns of the Nueva Castilla Motel, where the 18-year-old girl disappeared 13 days earlier. The tragic outcome of one of the most media cases of femicide in the country outraged not only Debanhi's family and friends, but also the entire state of Nuevo León and the entire country, because impunity and violence do not cease.

With their hearts in their hands and the pain of loss, Debanhi Escobar's parents confirmed that the body found corresponded to that of their only missing daughter, who they searched tirelessly for more than a week. The pain, frustration and sadness of Mr. Mario Escobar, the young woman's father, led him to recriminate the Attorney General of the State of Nuevo León (FGE) for the inability of irregularities they had throughout the case, for which he has demanded justice to clarify the murder of Debanhi, however, he has also joined the search for all the women who have disappeared in Nuevo León.

Such is the case of Yolanda Martínez Cadena, a 26-year-old woman who disappeared on March 31 and whose case has not received media attention like that of Debanhi. Despite this, her father has sought with his own means to publicize his search and, in an act of solidarity and empathy, he attended Debanhi Escobar's funeral in the municipality of Galeana, where, in addition to accompanying his relatives, he offered to carry the coffin carrying the remains of the 18-year-old girl law student.

Last Thursday, March 31, Yolanda Martínez left her grandmother's house in the municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza with the intention of looking for work to support her daughter, however, she never returned home.

Almost a month after her disappearance, the recording of a security camera from a street in the Constituyentes de Querétaro neighborhood is the only advance that the investigation of her case has made. Despite this, her father Gerardo Martínez, single father of Yolanda and her brother, has not stopped asking for help in locating her, exhausting all media possible.

Every day Don Gerardo wakes up and calls Yolanda's cell phone in the hope that his daughter will answer him, but since March 31 his calls are sent directly to voicemail.

The name of Yolanda Martínez Cadena has added to the large number of missing women in the country, however, her father, brother and daughter still hope to find her so they have requested the support of the citizens.

In this way, in the municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza in Nuevo León, there have been days of search and leaflet with the photograph of Yolanda Martínez so that if anyone has seen her in the area, they can communicate with their relatives.

In addition, Yolanda Martínez's father has approached the authorities to ask that they take her search seriously and that the pertinent investigations be carried out. In the same way, she has had contact with the relatives of people who are also missing to build support networks in searches, as happened with Debanhi Escobar's parents with whom, until recently, she shared the uncertainty of not knowing the whereabouts of her daughter.

According to her search bulletin, Yolanda Martínez Cadena wore a black striped blouse, blue denim pants and black sneakers on the day she disappeared. She is also described as a young woman with a dark complexion, dark brown eyes, a medium nose and mouth, a regular build and a height of approximately 1 metre and 55 centimetres.

Yolanda was last seen in the Constituyentes de Querétaro III section in the municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza in Nuevo León. Any information on his disappearance can be communicated to 81 20 20 57 00 and 81 20 20 55 58.


