Residents of a neighborhood in Mosquera are intimidated with gunfire and fecal faeces: “The situation is untenable”

The community has been concerned that, it says, insecurity around their homes has become a critical issue and lack of attention from the authorities


Insecurity in the country continues to be one of the main concerns of citizens and an example of these is the serious complaint made by residents of the El Poblado neighborhood, in the municipality of Mosquera (Cundinamarca), who state that drug dealers and drug users have taken over one of its parks.

According to the testimonies received by Infobae Colombia, for several months now the community has had to deal with this situation, which, they say, has arisen since a junkyard arrived in the area.

However, the problem grows more and more due to the lack of attention from the authorities, even though a few blocks away there is a police station, because although the citizens themselves have asked these people to leave the park (which they themselves have decided to name 'The Enchanting Forest'), they have received as a response to attacks on facades of their houses with fecal feces.


As Infobae could see, there is a constant presence of garbage, debris and other types of elements that invade the public space and that street inhabitants have used to build their 'cambuches'.

In addition, regardless of whether there are children and others enjoying the green areas — as there is a Family Welfare kindergarten on the same block — consumers gather in numerous groups to smoke marijuana, bazooka and other substances.


As is often the case in this type of case, the insecurity of the neighborhood has also been affected, to the extent that criminals rob children who are early in school with firearms. In fact, in a video to which Infobae had access, it is evident how two students are intimidated with shots in the air, even though they had already been stripped of their belongings.

In addition, other inhabitants say that consumers gather around every corner to ask them for money and, if they do not comply with their requests, they become quite aggressive.

In response to this citizen complaint, Infobae sought out Juan Carlos Celis, Secretary of Security of Mosquera, who said he had no knowledge of the events that are being presented there and that, even, they have been reported on social networks several times.

Similarly, to the question of why the public forces do not respond to the calls of the community, Celis was unable to answer and assured that “he will review the issue with the uniformed in the area.”

However, the secretary of security of the municipality assured that in recent days there was the capture of three people, members of the band 'Los Socios', dedicated to the production and marketing of narcotics in El Poblado and other neighborhoods nearby.
