How to make the yolk of the fried egg juicy? : follow these homemade tricks

Apply these tips so that the fried egg does not stick in the pan when you cook it and thus better enjoy your result in the kitchen.


We all seek to know our culinary skills, create our favorite dishes. However, there are times when you have to work early or an emergency happens and we resort to cooking something fast. That is the fried egg, where it only takes a few minutes to prepare. However, many times the taste does not come out as expected and the egg stays stuck in the pan, why is this happening? Maybe there's a mistake we don't realize.

Sometimes there is a fully liquid yolk, even though there is no traditional recipe for preparing the fried egg. In that sense, to look for perfection in its shape and taste, you must follow these five simple tricks to have a delicious fried egg. Write it down and put it to the test the next time you cook.


1. Remember to use plenty of oil to fry the egg

It is important to follow this advice, because to make a traditional egg you will have to do it in a pan with plenty of olive oil. That's right, olive. This way, you will prevent it from sticking. Remember that you should also use a good kitchen spatula to remove it once fried or it will end up breaking. The reason is that the oil used is also key when cooking this food, so use good olive oil and the result will be 10 out of 10. It is important to practice it.

2. How to get the lace?

Error in calculation is not, since you should know that without oil there will be no lace. It should also be quite hot before placing the egg in the pan when you cook it, a lot of concentration to avoid burns.

According to El Español, you have to wait until the oil is about to smoke. It's the only way to get an egg with a lace. As a result, the lace will appear on its own and will give our fried eggs a crispy touch. It is advisable to do it very carefully.

3. Just the right cooking time

It is important to know that many often throw the egg in the pan and let it cook for a few minutes. However, in addition to making the mistake of pouring it with cold oil, the egg should remain in the pan just 15 or 20 seconds. It may burn or when frying it lose that taste in case the oil was very hot. This will cause the yolk to be liquid when broken, which is how most people usually like to accompany any recipe or homemade dish. Calculation for cooking, always ask for help.

4. Cover the yolk with oil

The yolk is important with the oil. After putting the egg in the hot oil, pour oil over the yolk with the help of a skimmer or also with the spatula. This will give you the perfect look, although once you eat it, the feeling will be the same.

5. Always salt fried eggs

Finally, many forget the simplest thing: put a little salt on top. Not doing so is a mistake that will change the taste of your fried eggs, so it is best to add the salt to the egg on the yolk area as soon as you place it in the pan. Take it into account in the future.

