Elections in Aguascalientes: amid scandals, Tere Jiménez's candidacy advances with doggy walk

The flag bearer of the PAN and promoter of Va por México was accused of indebting the capital municipality for 30 years, while she organized a walk with pets


Next Sunday, June 5, six new governorships will be defined: Aguascalientes, Durango, Tamaulipas, Quintana Roo, Hidalgo and Oaxaca, where the candidates of the Coalitions Going for Mexico (PRI, PAN and PRD) and Juntos Hacemos Historia (Morena, PT and PVEM) star in the recruitment of the electorate; however, in each entity the preference arises differently.

This Sunday, April 24, in Aguascalientes, the candidate of the opposition coalition, Teresa Jiménez, called for a walk with companion dogs (pets), this by virtue of “encouraging coexistence and outdoor activities”, because in her government, she promised, “we will promote the care and protection of animals”.

Likewise, through social networks, the flag bearer of the National Action Party (PAN) made numerous statements in favor of her campaign, in which she proposed an ecological agenda that is intended to generate awareness among the youngest, because she promised that when she comes to power she will make children of primary school and will become “guardians of the planet”.


In addition to this, and continuing with the environmental agenda, Jiménez Esquivel pointed out that his administration will be the one that will set the example regarding the provision of an environment with a lower burden compared to greenhouse gas emissions; however, this reminds the denunciation that Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) promoted against him.

On April 14, Anayeli Muñoz, a candidate for government by MC, filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Combating Corruption of the State of Aguascalientes against Tere Jiménez for her alleged responsibility for the crime of improper exercise of public service.

When Muñoz reported on the complaint against the candidate of Va por México to the media, he also considered that peripheral crimes such as coercion of public servants, embezzlement and illicit enrichment may emanate as a result of it. And, it should be noted, the accusation is related to Jiménez's management as mayor in relation to the creation of a solar park and the installation of luminaires, something that the candidate promised she will replicate at the state level.


In total, there were two complaints, the first of which was about the case of some luminaires that were purchased at a surcharge during the administration of Jiménez Esquivel in the municipality of Aguascalientes (capital of the entity). And the second is from a solar park that has not yet been completed, but it has been indebted to the demarcation for decades. The same ones who indebted the municipality for three decades and benefited the same businessman.

According to an investigation by the orange bench, the municipality of Aguascalientes signed in January 2020 a contract with the company MD Iluminación Nacional for the project “Modernization of the Municipality's Public Lighting System”, which was established for a value of 900 million pesos.

The contract consisted of the installation and maintenance of 55,716 luminaires with LED technology of the Solabasic brand that were purchased for a unit price of 13,400 pesos, but in the market they cost 4,000 pesos, which represents a cost surplus of 600 million pesos.


The second case concerns the solar park, which will cost more than 20 billion pesos (approximately USD billion), it had to be in operation since April 2020, but it is not yet, despite having permits from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and that the municipality is already complying with its payment obligations and in addition, the municipality approved an extension to the contract of 300%, which will take decades to be covered.

To understand the damage done to the consumer, it must be considered that the annual consumption of electricity in the municipality is 14 million pesos, which means that in 30 years it would represent 420 million pesos; however, the investment in this park costs 20 billion pesos.

Finally, MC's research points to the benefit of only one businessman: Eugenio Javier Maíz Domene, since MD Iluminación (the company that purchased the luminaires at a surcharge) and Next Energy del Centro (the one responsible for the incomplete solar park) belong to this individual, so the candidate demanded “an investigation serious and congruent”.

