Zero and three, Petro leads the intention to vote for the presidency of Colombia

In the Infometrica Meta-Analysis report released this Saturday, it is evident that the leader of Colombia Humana would be closer to coming to power. Celag and the CNC also demonstrated Petro's advantage in voting intention last week


After the results of the latest poll by the National Consulting Center (CNC) that reveal that presidential candidate Gustavo Petro would win the two rounds that will define Iván Duque's successor, other results were announced that would ratify the triumph of the candidate of the Historical Pact.


This is the report of the Meta-Analysis of Infométrika funded by Caracol Radio, where a compilation of the latest electoral studies is compiled and which add up the data provided by the CNC this Friday, April 22.

According to that report, Petro achieved 37.2% of voting intention until April 21, when the results of the CNC were completed and which was recently released by Semana magazine.

Infometrika also showed the results of the presidential candidate of the Team for Colombia, Federico 'Fico' Gutiérrez, who in recent polls has accumulated 10 percentage points less than Petro: 23.5%.

The same goes for the former mayor of Bucaramanga, Rodolfo Hernández, who has 10.2%, followed by just over two percentage points above Sergio Fajardo, who will represent the Centro Esperanza Coalition in the presidential elections.

The summations of the latest surveys also show that the Green Oxygen candidate, Ingrid Betancourt, has 1.2%; John Milton Rodríguez, from Colombia Justa Libres, 0.9%; Luis Pérez 0.4% and Enrique Gómez Martínez, from Salvation Nacional, 0.4%.

Other results of that survey show that 6.7% of those analyzed were still thinking about voting blank, while 11.5% had no idea who to do it for.

The foreign firm Celag conducted another survey that shows Petro's eventual triumph over his opponent Federico 'Fico' Gutiérrez. To the question of 'If the presidential election were tomorrow, which of the following candidates would you vote for? ' , the respondents responded like this.

42.6% said they would choose Gustavo Petro, who would win with more than 20 percentage points above his closest electoral rival, the candidate of the Team for Colombia, Federico 'FiCo' Gutiérrez, who received 21.8%.

Behind them two, and as has been seen in other electoral studies, is the former mayor of Bucaramanga, Rodolfo Hernández, who reached 11.5%, followed by the candidate of the Centro Esperanza Coalition, Sergio Fajardo (9.2%).

In the last places are the candidate of the Oxygen Green party, Ingrid Betancourt, with 1.0%. The back is the answer 'others', with 0.8%; in that percentage would be candidates Luis Pérez, Enrique Gómez and John Milton Rodríguez.

The other survey was that of Semana magazine , carried out by the CNC, published this Friday. To the question of 'If the presidential elections were on Sunday and the candidates were the ones on the card, which one would you vote for? ' , 38.0% of respondents responded that by the candidate for the Historical Pact, followed by the candidate of the Coalition Team for Colombia, Federico 'Fico' Gutiérrez with 23.8%.

The National Consulting Center consulted citizens about a possible ballot between Gustavo Petro and two of the favorite candidates according to the polls.

The results showed that the leader of Human Colombia would win Fico again with 44.8% of the votes, surpassing the 36.9% that the former mayor of Medellín would win.

In the case that Petro will face Rodolfo Hernández in the second round, the latter would reach 34.1%, ten percentage points less than what would be won by the Senator of Human Colombia (44.1%).

Progressivism is facing: if the second round of elections were between Sergio Fajardo and the candidate for the Historical Pact, Gustavo Petro would win the candidate of the Esperanza Center with 43.4%, who would reach 35.8%, according to the CNC.

