Who was Martina Portocarrero: summary biography, contributions to Peruvian music and death

The remembered performer of “Flor de Retama” lost her life on Friday, April 22 because of a lung cancer she suffered.


National folklore is in mourning. Martina Portocarrero died this Friday, April 22 after fighting lung cancer, a disease detected at the end of 2021. The relatives of the national singer confirmed the sad news to the press, as did the guitarist Manuelcha Prado. His body is in Switzerland, so a collection is being made so that he can be repatriated.

The death of the performer of “Flor de Retama” became a trend on social networks, where hundreds of users regretted Portocarrero's departure and remembered her best musical hits. The Ministry of Culture also spoke on Twitter, expressing its condolences to the relatives of the ayacuchana artist.

“We regret the sensitive death of Martina Portocarrero, a prominent folk singer and researcher of the national Andean culture. She will always be remembered for uniquely performing the song “Flor de Retama”. We express our condolences to their families, followers and loved ones,” they said on their platform.



Leonila Martina Portocarrero Ramos is a Peruvian folk singer, cultural and political researcher. He was born on September 29, 1949 in Nazca, Ica. Since childhood she stood out for her good ear and voice, so she won several music competitions held in her locality. In Lima, as a high school student at the age of 17, she took first place in an interschool competition in singing and composition.

Due to his innate talent for music, he studied at the National Conservatory of Music and the National School of Dramatic Art, as well as at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, although he failed to finish his degree. It was in Switzerland that she graduated as an educator.


At the age of 33, he began his solo career, giving Andean music a boost. She is remembered for singing “Flor de Retama”, an Ayacuchano hymn that refers to the police pressure that left nearly 20 victims in the so-called Huanta Rebellion, which took place in 1969. Already a renowned artist, she went on tour in Europe at the end of 1984. This was a great success and since then it has been present at major European Latin American music festivals.

He has received prizes and distinctions in numerous national and international competitions and festivals. In 1995, he won the 1995 Youth Award in Cusco. She was also honored by the Municipality of Rome in Italy for her struggle for Social Rights. In 2021, the Municipality of Huamanga recognized him for his extensive career.

Martina Portocarrero performance at a restaurant in Geneva on September 22, 2011. Credits: Luis Burga YouTube.


On the political level, Martina Portocarrero was a pre-candidate for the presidency of the Republic by FREPAP, but ended up withdrawing before the official elections. In 2006, she was a candidate for mayor of Lima by the UPP party, obtaining only 4.63% of the votes. He nominated for Congress for the Broad Front for Justice, Life and Freedom group in 2016 and 2020.

In 2020, the national singer ran with the Peru-Libre political party, but was excluded by the National Jury of Elections (JNE). During the last election campaign, his voice accompanied the main rallies of now President Pedro Castillo with the theme “Flor de broom”. She was called to hold the position of Minister of Culture, something that did not happen.


Through the Twitter of the Peruvian Presidency, the Government of Pedro Castillo expressed its “deep regret at the death of the folk singer-songwriter, politics and social struggle Martina Portocarrero”. In turn, dozens of netizens lamented the death of the Peruvian interpreter.


