Netflix canceled the sequel to “Bright”, one of Will Smith's future projects

The film joins the group of upcoming productions that will not see the light, after the controversy that the actor starred at the Oscar Awards ceremony


For better or worse, Bright 2 will definitely not see the light on Netflix. A new report revealed that the streaming giant will not go ahead with the project of the sequel in which Will Smith was going to resume his protagonist. The original film deals with a fictional universe that mixes reality with fantasy and follows two policemen who are very physically different and opposed in terms of experience working on the streets.

Daryl Ward (Smith) is an agent of the Los Angeles Police Department who forms a pair with a rookie cop from the orc clan (Joel Edgerton). Both live in a world where human beings coexist with mythical creatures. In this way, society describes three types of intelligent humanoid species: the elves, positioned in the ruling classes; the humans, who make up the lower-middle class; and the orcs, who are destined to live in marginality and are the last link in the chain.


The reception of the film was divided between the opinions of critics and the comments of the audience. The former were not convinced and stoned the risky proposal directed by David Ayer (Suicide Squad) based on a script by Max Landis. The famous American critic David Ehrlich even described it on Twitter as “the worst of the year 2017″. On the other hand, from the ratings of the public, it obtained 86% favorable responses according to the Rotten Tomatoes portal.

Despite not being so well seen by the trade press, Netflix had given the green light to a second installment of Bright and would bring Will Smith back in his role as one of the chief cops. The latest information coming from Bloomberg says that this project is not going any longer and the decision comes just after the actor was suspended from the Hollywood Academy due to the incident of the last Oscar gala


Will Smith endangers his career by a slap

The 94th edition of the Oscars will be recorded on the list of the most talked about ceremonies in history, although not because of a great speech or a mistake in announcing the Best Film. During that night's broadcast, Chris Rock performed in front of attendees to share his comedy segment before presenting an award, and one of his jokes offended Jada Pinkett Smith for her medical condition.

It was at that moment that Will Smith stood up to approach the stage and unexpectedly responded with a slap in the face. “Take my wife's name out of your damn mouth,” she cried as she returned to her seat under everyone's watchful eyes. Shortly after the controversial moment, the movie star was awarded the statuette for her work on King Richard: a winning family.


This has caused a number of problems for the remembered Prince of Bel-Air, since the Academy asked him to resign from the organization and he was banned from attending the Oscars for a decade. Smith officially resigned in a letter and publicly apologized to Rock for the aggressiveness that came over him when he realized Jada's annoyance over the unfortunate comment. Meanwhile, some of his future projects have been paused or canceled.