Earth Day: five habits to save and reduce the environmental footprint in Peru

It is an important date to remember that we must take care of the environment. We leave you some tips that you should keep in mind.


Every April 22, Earth Day is celebrated around the world, even Google dedicated a tribute to it. It is a date where the objective is to raise awareness among the population about the various forms of pollution, deforestation and other human actions that are harming the planet. But it is also a day when advice must be applied to take care of the environment, especially in Peru.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Lima has the most polluted air in Latin America (2014). In addition, a World Bank investigation in 2007 revealed that urban air pollution is one of the most serious and widespread problems in Peruvian cities and is estimated to be responsible for 3,900 human deaths per year.

Along these lines, the academic director of the Environmental Engineering degree at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), Mercedes Gómez, pointed out that there are common mistakes to take care of the environment. The most frequent ones range from wasting water when bathing to charging cell phones when it is 100%.

The specialist pointed out certain tips to take care of the climate and points to the future for sustainable development in the country.


The engineer points out that water consumption should be measured while bathing or brushing your teeth and try to close the pipes when you don't need water. Also, you should avoid washing cars with hose, as a lot of water is lost. Therefore, the best solution is to use a bucket and a cleaning cloth that can be wet and wrung out. Write it down for the future.


It is important to remember that there is a mistake that we constantly make is to leave household appliances connected such as the toaster, fan or our cell phones even when we are not using them and this contributes to unnecessary energy consumption.

It is also essential to check rooms in the house that are not being used to make sure that the lights are off. If you have finished using the appliance, unplug it to avoid wasting energy.



Follow the rule of the 3Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse. Why should it be applied? Well, as part of our responsible consumption and recycling, it is necessary to opt for bottles made of recycled materials. In addition, its use allows it to be less polluting as they replace it with plastic and use recyclable bags to make household purchases.

In the same way, environmentally friendly and biodegradable products should be used that guarantee the reduction of emissions of harmful substances. Take it into account.


Another fact, cars that are not electric or run on natural gas, produce higher CO2 emissions and various pollutants that affect the environment. Therefore, its use must be reduced, taking into account the distance in which it is used and the number of people transported.

In addition, on short distances, it is better to use a bicycle or walk, and at other times, you can apply the “pool” method within your family and friends to reduce the number of vehicles used per day. Keep this detail in mind.


Finally, the expert recommends eating well can also mean helping the planet. Reducing meat intake, and even being vegetarian or vegan — always with medical supervision — is a vital option whose reasons go far beyond health or weight loss. Because the mere fact of reducing our meat consumption helps reduce our water footprint.