Christian Domiguez outraged with users for making him a meme after Aldo Miyashiro's ampay

The cumbiambero recommended that netizens not make fun of other people's pain.




Christian Dominguez became a viral meme after Magaly Medina spread the ampay by Aldo Miyashiro and Oscar del Portal in their show program. And it is that users assured that the hosts of América Televisión had joined the “club of the infidels”, made up of the cumbiambero, Mario Hart, among other figures of the show.

Pamela Franco's current couple didn't like these jokes at all. This was demonstrated when a reporter from the Estás en Todas program asked him if he had really said on Twitter “A disgrace about Aldo Miyashiro”, a screenshot that quickly went viral on Twitter.

“I don't have Twitter. What's more, I had one time and since I didn't know how to use it, so I quit. My only social network that I manage is Instagram and TikTok with the help of my partner and my daughter, but very little,” the cumbia singer replied to espacio sabatino.

Tuit falso de Christian Domínguez se volvió viral. (Foto: Twitter)
Tuit falso de Christian Domínguez se volvió viral. (Foto: Twitter)


The leader of Orchestra Internacional sent a strong message to netizens, who have not hesitated to continue making memes about him to take Aldo Miyashiro's case of infidelity with humor. Recently, he received criticism for talking about ampay in America Today.

I am uncomfortable with mockery, that people enjoy the pain of others. We are human beings, we can be wrong and we cannot judge. I don't have to judge them either, I don't have the right to do so. I feel very sorry. I see that people rejoice at evil, that seems very sad to me,” he said.

Christian Domiguez outraged with Twitter users for making memes about him | VIDEO: America TV//America Today


The day after the ampay of Aldo Miyashiro and Oscar del Portal, the cumbiambero avoided talking about the scandal. However, he was encouraged to do so when Janet Barboza “congratulated” him for being brave enough to admit on national television that he was unfaithful to Karla Tarazona with Isabel Acevedo, unlike her colleagues on the channel.

That's how the cumbiambero took advantage of the cameras to ensure that hiding an infidelity is a terrible act. “You feel really bad, just if you think about family. (Infidelity) is unjustifiable. No matter how bad you are in a relationship, that doesn't justify you doing that (being unfaithful), especially if you have a family,” he said.

“When I was wrong, the most painful thing was my daughter. That's gonna be hard to get him out of his head. That consequence is the most difficult of all. One must know how to face the consequences and learn from mistakes. Such big mistakes teach you not to make them again,” added Christian Dominguez.

Christian Dominguez commented on the ampays of Aldo Miyashiro and Oscar del Portal, indicating that infidelity brings terrible consequences | VIDEO: América TV/América Hoy

His statements were not ignored and he received a barrage of criticism on social networks, where netizens indicated that he was the least suitable to talk about infidelity. Some even called it “fresh”. This reached the ears of Dominguez, who was not shy about answering his detractors.

“Yesterday what I said came from a question from the psychologist and I repeat it again: an infidelity is unjustifiable, whether you are right or wrong with your partner. Aldo said it well, one suffers more for the family. Please stop mocking and send information that is not because two or three galifardos say one thing, they all say the same thing,” he said very annoyed.


