Candidate Luis Pérez said he wants to return to Colombia a world power in cannabis

He also referred to the political scenario that the country is going through and expressed his rejection of extremes


Election campaigns are underway and the different candidates are still looking for the largest number of followers in order to be able to add the vast majority of the votes in the presidential elections on May 29. Luis Pérez Gutiérrez, candidate for the presidency of the Republic for the Piensa en Grande movement, spoke about his proposal to turn Colombia into a global cannabis power.

In an interview with Blu Radio, the presidential candidate recalled some aspects of his life, talked about his taste for Fran Sinatra's music and recalled some anecdotes from his youth. He also had the opportunity to talk about his proposal regarding marijuana and pointed out that, despite what many people think, he is not a consumer of marijuana.

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And he said: “I don't do it because of what happens in Colombia. One goes to the Congress of the Republic and those who smoke are in favor of legalizing cannabis and what they don't smoke don't. That is not an attitude for the country, we must have a statesman's attitude, to see how we improve the economy in Colombia.”


A few weeks ago, candidate Luis Pérez, in the midst of the presidential debate organized by the Universidad del Externado, proposed that the Colombian flag should have one hour of the cannabis plant, this in order to turn Colombia into a power in the production of medical marijuana, due to these many people who criticized on social media.

“People think that I am a marijuana user or cannabis user, but I am a very disciplined person. I have never used marijuana, suddenly at some gringo party there everyone smokes and gets drunk with smoke, but I like to stay up late or read or talk to people, or write. I can have a drink or two at night slowly, I don't like being harassed to drink, I like to taste liquors very slowly. I never get to drunkenness of any kind,” he said.

This may interest you: Presidential candidate Luis Pérez proposed putting a marijuana leaf on the Colombian flag

He revealed an anecdote that he lived a few days ago on trips he had in New York and Madrid, “in both places I bought some products that they sell publicly. They sell Colombians, they sell brownies, they sell ice cream, they sell gum and I asked a lady in New York to make me a list of what is the best selling thing in cannabis products, she said: 'what do I sell the most is Colombian', the second thing is brownies... 'and then I said to her 'what about tobacquites'? and he said to me: 'It's what I sell the least. '”

On the political scenario that the country is going through in the face of the presidential elections. Luis Pérez said: “The country inflated the far right a lot and the far left inflated a lot and I don't see a future for the country if we continue in this instance. They are not the candidates who represent those two extremes. If the far left wins, the far right will not let it rule and if the far right wins, the far left will not recognize the victory and we will have four more years of cacerolazos. The country has to do this reflection.”