Why is it forbidden to travel with a bottle of water on the plane?

Find out why some items are prohibited from entering the plane or airport. If you're getting ready to travel, this information will help you.


Those who have had the opportunity to live an experience of air travel may have faced mandatory screening of belongings before boarding. This is how you have to carry out the procedure of placing the items you carry in your carry-on suitcase so that a supervising agent analyzes it and approves your entry. On the other hand, those that go in the cellar, go through x-rays that allow us to recognize the items you have stored, whether they are liquid or solid.

Although we are thirsty during the flight, the entry of beverages or packaged liquids is restricted, but what is the reason? There are several theories that explain this restriction that continues to be maintained in almost every airport in the world, including ours.

In the following lines we are going to tell you the reasons why you cannot take them with you and it is recommended that you drink your liquids before entering the departure lounge. It is valid to indicate that some airlines provide this type of input to their passengers when they are already flying.

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The first version tells us that liquids are prohibited for the sole purpose of not causing accidents if they spill into the corridors, a fact that makes perfect sense if we think about the absence of medical care.

Some frequent travelers indicate that this measure taken at airports is due to the fact that they take advantage of demand for visitors to shop and consume in vending machines, restaurants and at Duty Free.

It is also mentioned that this decision not to allow water and other similar ones to enter is due to an event that occurred in 2006, when the British police thwarted a plan to blow up planes in mid-air, during a journey between the United Kingdom and the United States. What happened? According to data from Scotland Yard, actions were organized to cause explosions with chemical liquids carried in hand luggage. The official report indicated that at least 24 people were arrested, causing Heathrow airport to be closed.

This is how security measures were intensified and an alert was raised that marked a global scope, causing liquid elements not to be considered as allowed in airplanes and/or airports.



According to the list presented by Jorge Chavez International Airport, these are some products that you should not enter:

- Non-alcoholic beverages, yogurts, chantilly, condensed milk, cream cheese, canned soups, canned food, jams, liquid or pasta spices.

- Liquids prepared by hand.

- Alcoholic beverages.

- Shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, moisturizing cream, facial cleansing creams, creams, hair gel, stick insect repellent, cream or gel, lipstick, gloss or lip balm, ointments, masks, makeup remover, mouthwash, shaving cream, toothpaste, tanning lotion, blocking lotion, gel deodorant, eye drops, contact lens solution.

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- Medical or toiletries (including aerosols) such as hairsprays, perfumes, colognes, deodorants, spray insect repellent, acetone, nail polish, flowery water, medical alcohol and medicines containing alcohol.

- Flammable liquids (Example: kerosene, gasoline, etc.).

- Fuel for lighters and refill refills.

- Bleach, chlorine, muriatic acid, paints (including lacquers, solvents, enamel, solvent, spray paint) insecticides (except for those used by the technical crew for disinsection purposes) pesticides and poisons.