The tragic death of Yolanda Martínez, the eldest daughter of Resortes

Passionate about music and a precursor to women's rock and roll, Adalberto Martínez's first descendant died tragically before her father

Resortes had two daughters, of whom he had to witness one of them being buried, Yolanda Martínez, who tragically died when she was the victim of an assault.

Adalberto Martinez, better known as Resortes, married three times, although only once legally. His first marriage was to Mercedes Contanzo, with whom he had two children, a boy who died a few days after birth, and Yolanda, who became the comedian's favorite person.

Later, with Gloria Ríos his second wife, he had Regina, who also became the apple of his eye, but who did not make him suffer as much as his first descendant.

Yolanda also decided to venture into the art world, but from a different branch. The first daughter of the Epoca de Oro actor was passionate about rock n' roll, so she became one of the forerunners of this genre in Mexico.

Las 4 y T fue uno de los grupos precursores del rock and roll en español y hecho por sólo mujeres (Foto: Archivo)

Martínez joined a group called Las 4 y T, a name that came from the union of the four members, Yolanda Espinoza, who was in charge of the drums; Yolanda Guadalupe, who played the organ and guitar; Rosa Villaseñor Yogus, in charge of the requinto; Martha Agueros, with vocals and percussions; and Yolanda Martinez, who played bass.

Because of all of them only Martha did not share the initial with her teammates, it was that it came up with the group “y T”, that is, “y Tita”, as they called their vocalist.

The 4 and T were among the first women's bands that were formed to play rock, so they made history thanks to their music. Among the hits that Las 4 and T had are the songs Hey Muchacho and You Have to Come Back, these two songs were released on an album that they released in 1959.

Yolanda fue una apasionada de la música, pero dejó el rock cuando se disolvió Las 4 y T (Foto: Rock en México)Picasa 2.7

The success of the members of the group was good, but little by little they broke up due to the creation of Las Mary Jets, another musical band that was born in the 60s.

Some time after her achievements as part of Las 4 y T, when she no longer devoted herself to the world of music entirely, Yolanda was driving her car when her life was taken away.

It was May 13, 1996, when Martinez was on Bolivar Street in downtown Mexico City around 8:30pm, when a man approached his vehicle in an attempt to assault her.

According to the press at the time, the robbery would have been with the intention of taking away her belongings, but the criminal would also have seen the opportunity to steal Yolanda's vehicle, so he began to pressure her to leave everything she had in the car and get out.

Adalberto tuvo que ver morir a su hija, pues siete años después él murió (Foto: Twitter/ @KioscoHistoria)

In the midst of her panic, she was slow to follow the assailant's instructions, which would have caused the thief's despair and he would have shot him point-blank, escaping instantly.

Yolanda would not have died immediately, since in she was taken to Dr. Rubén Leñero General Hospital and was treated in emergency. However, despite the attention given to the actor's daughter, they were not enough for the injury she had and died.


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