Sergio Gutiérrez Luna explained his' cascarita 'in the Chamber of Deputies: “Criticizing just for hitting”

The chairman of the Board of Directors used a ball with former footballer Luis Hernández “El Matador” inside the legislative precinct, a situation by which he could be separated from his duties

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 13JUNIO2019.- En el marco del tercer día de los trabajos del Foro para la Reforma del Estado y Electoral, el diputado de Morena, Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, coordinador del Grupo de Trabajo para la Reforma del Estado y Electoral, encabezó la mesa de análisis titulada ‘Sistema de fiscalización y austeridad de los gastos como principio’, al que asistieron especialistas en la materia, a fin de presentar propuestas y debatir el tema en comento. FOTO: CUARTOSCURO.COM

Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, president of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies and member of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), explained the “cascarita” that he boasted in the legislative precinct with former footballer Luis Hernández El Matador.

Through his Twitter account, the legislator explained that the lower house should be a place open to the people, so he prepared the actions that were observed in the footage he shared on April 20 to avoid harm and in a controlled manner inside the premises.

“The Chamber of Deputies is the house of the people. It must be open to all @s, so without harm, without a session and in a controlled manner, we recorded a video to associate football that the people love so much with our work. Without the protocols of before,” said Gutiérrez Luna.

Later, in a second message, he said that the criticism was only to “hit” or “oppose”, reasons he said he respected and offered an apology to those who were offended by the “cascarita” next to Matador Hernández.


“There were different opinions: for those who did not seem to them because of their political agenda, for criticizing only for hitting and for being opposed, they are respected and sent greetings. To those who legitimately found it inappropriate, they are also reiterated respect and are offered an apology,” said the controversial Morenist.

Social media users commented on the publication of the president of the Board of Directors and some justified it, but another sector, more akin to the opposition, reiterated that they respect citizens and deputies.

This new controversy that surrounded the politician was unveiled in the last hours of last Wednesday, when he published a short video in which he is seen throwing a ball at him from the tribune of San Lazaro to former footballer Luis Hernández, El Matador, who received her and on the way back sent her to the last row of seats.

Learning the perfect pull up and ready to score many goals Cascarita with my countryman Luis' Matador 'Hernández”, was the message with which he accompanied the footage published on his official Twitter account.


Netizens immediately attacked the Morenista, including some opposition legislators who reproved this action. “What a sadness that you treat the compound in such an unworthy way President,” wrote Saraí Núñez-Cerón of the National Action Party (PAN).

It was later announced that there is a possibility that Gutiérrez Luna may be removed from office if article 61 of the Constitution, which ensures the protection of the Chamber of Deputies, is enforced. “The President of each House shall ensure respect for the constitutional jurisdiction of its members and the inviolability of the premises where they meet in session”, the Magna Carta reads.

In accordance with section 4 of article 19 of the Organic Law of the General Congress of the United Mexican States, the members of the board of directors may be removed by two thirds of the legislators present in the chamber, if they have taken any of the following actions:

- To seriously or repeatedly violate the provisions contained in the Constitution and this law.

- Failure to comply with the agreements of the Plenary, when the constitutional and legal powers of the Chamber are affected.

- To stop attending, repeatedly and without justified cause, the sessions of the Chamber or the meetings of the Board of Directors.

