Oil companies rose fuel prices by up to 2.2%, despite lower international prices

Prices were expected to decrease this week due to a drop in the price of international fuel, but the opposite happened.


The Peruvian Consumers and Users Agency (Opecu) had reported that oil companies Repsol and Petroperú had to record price reductions this week, but what happened contrary. Increases were reported in the cost of fuels it offers, such as gasoholes and diesel, of up to 2.2%.

Companies had to move a reduction in prices of international fuels to those they offer to all Peruvians. This was a decrease of between S/0.55 and S/1.26 soles per gallon, according to Osinergmin last Monday, April 11.

This reduction was expected to apply to 90, 95, and high-octane gasoholes; which should fall by S/0.62, S/0.59 and S/0.55 soles per gallon, respectively. In the case of the B5 S50 diesel and B2 S50 S50 diesel, prices had to be reduced by S/0.71 soles per gallon.

“Alza is in exact tune with the weekly international variation of Monday, April 18, published by Osinergmin, but both did not fall 'one penny' from the great international fall on Monday, April 11. (It is an) unjustifiable and inequitable commercial attitude, says the president of the Opecu, Hector Plate Canepa.



Gasoholes rose between 1% and 1.3% per gallon. Thus, gasohol 84 costs S/20.17 soles; gasohol 90, S/17.58 soles; gasohol 95, S/19.49 soles; and gasohol 97 rose to S/19.89 soles.

The B5S50 diesel for vehicular use rose by 2.2%, and now costs S/19.76 soles per gallon.

Diesel 2 S50, in both oil companies, records a price of S/19.76 soles. This means an increase of 2.2% in Petroperu.

According to Opecu, the other fuels have not changed their prices since last Friday, April 8. On the other hand, the president of Indecopi, Julián Palacín, assured that 90% of taps nationwide have already applied the reduction to ISC's exonerated fuels.


On 3 April, the Government decided to temporarily suspend the consumption tax on major fuels, such as 84- and 90-octane gasoline and diesel types. This measure was implemented to mitigate the rise in oil, following the meeting of the cabinet of ministers with the transport and farmers' unions that protested in Huancayo, in the Junín region.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Oscar Graham, amended the new Appendix III of the Single Ordered Text (TUO) of the General Sales Tax (IGV) and Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) Act and excluded fuels until the end of June of this year.

“This measure, I am sure, will help the Transport sector and with it will prevent the increase in prices of basic necessities that has been affecting Peruvian families,” said President Pedro Castillo. when he announced the decree.


The head of state stressed that the increase in fuel prices is not the fault of the Government, but is being influenced by the international situation of the invasion of Russia to Ukraine. In addition, he recalled that it is not possible to intervene in price control because the social economy of the market is governed in Peru.

On the other hand, the president of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, called on the country's taps to act in accordance with this measure immediately. “We call on taps to act in accordance with the standard that they cannot use the pretext that they have stock and that they will still conform to the standard when their stock ends,” he said.

