Epigmenio Ibarra supported the campaign against the opposition: “Turning your back on the people is treason”

The leaders of the National Regeneration Movement began a campaign to point out the legislators who voted against the Electricity Reform

TLALNEPANTLA, ESTADO DE MÉXICO.- Delfina Gómez, candidata a la gubernatura del estado por MORENA, acudió a los estudios de grabación ARGOS, que encabeza Epigmenio Ibarra, donde sostuvo un encuentro con empresarios de diversas ramas industriales. FOTO: SAÚL LÓPEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Producer Epigmenio Ibarra came out in defense of the Traitors to the Homeland campaign launched by the leaders of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Mario Delgado Carrillo and Citlalli Hernández Mora, after the Chamber of Deputies scrapped the Electricity Reform.

Through his social networks, the founder of Argos Comunicación indicated that, beyond those said by the opposition, the Fourth Transformation is in favor of dissipating, that there is plurality in public debate, because that is what life in democracy is all about.

After expressing the above, Ibarra indicated that the legislators of Va por México -PRI, PAN and PRD-, as well as Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), committed treason against the homeland, because there was no dissent, rather a common agreement to reject the proposal sent by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

“Dissent, to have another point of view, is plurality, it is democracy. Turn their backs on the people and, by common agreement, being representatives of them, they are nothing more than Traitors to the Motherland”, he wrote on Thursday, April 21.


In another short message, the journalist also said that attitudes that can be described as “insulting and violent” are those allegedly carried out by members of the opposition by “failing” in their role as representatives of the people.


And it is worth remembering that, last Sunday, April 17, the discussion and vote for the energy reform sent by President López Obrador to the Congress of the Union took place; however, with 275 votes in favor, 223 against and zero abstentions, the proposal was scrapped .

Given the result, the leaders of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) announced that they would start a campaign to inform the public who had been the legislators who voted against, whom they called “traitors to the homeland”.

We want people to see the faces and names of traitors, so that we never forget who turned their backs on the people. In addition, we are going to ask our deputies to hold assemblies in which they inform Mexicans. Let them know that, if the Electricity Reform had been approved, the Constitution would already establish a cheaper tariff scheme for families, companies and for municipalities in public lighting,” explained Delgado.


Therefore, the 4TV account began to point out the members of the opposition benches, with cartels similar to those of “Wanted!” of the Midwest, which voted against the reform, as well as the nationalization of Lithium.

In the case of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), they pointed out Maria Guadalupe Alcántara, Cynthia López Castro, Augusto Gómez Villanueva, Alejandro Alito Moreno, as well as Xavier González Zirión.

While the National Action Party (PAN) singled out Jorge Triana Tena, Diana María Teresa Lara Carreón, Wendy Gonzalez Urrutia, Santiago Torreblanca, Guillermo Octavio Huerta Ling, Luis Alberto Mendoza Acevedo, Jorge Romero Herrera, Hector Saúl Tellez Hernandez, Santiago Creel Miranda, Margarita Zavala Gomez del Campo, Mariana Gomez del Campo and Gabriel Quadri.

Meanwhile, for the Democratic Revolution (PRD) they made the poster for Luis Ángel Xariel Espinoza Cházaro, Marcelino Castañeda Navarrete, Elizabeth Pérez Váldez, María Rocío Banquells Núñez and Ana Cecilia Luis Gabriela Fernanda. Finally, Solomon Chertorivsky stood out from the Citizen Movement.

