This was the story of the passenger who “snuck in” on an Avianca flight in Santa Marta

Apparently, this is not the first time that such an event has occurred on airline flights, according to a Twitter user

IMAGEN DE ARCHIVO. Aviones de Avianca se ven en el Aeropuerto Internacional Oscar Arnulfo Romero, en San Luis Talpa, El Salvador, Septiembre 19, 2020. REUTERS/Jose Cabezas
IMAGEN DE ARCHIVO. Aviones de Avianca se ven en el Aeropuerto Internacional Oscar Arnulfo Romero, en San Luis Talpa, El Salvador, Septiembre 19, 2020. REUTERS/Jose Cabezas

On social networks, a story was popularized in which because of a “colado” a man was unable to travel by plane together with his family. The affected person, who was the one who denounced, named Alberto Echeverri decided to make it known that despite his explanations Avianca let the situation go and he had to travel on another flight.

Echeverri denounced the incident on Twitter, where he began by stating that even though there were even police who was affected, it was he who had previously paid for his ticket. “I tell you how yesterday a COLADO prevented me from traveling with @Avianca, leaving my wife and baby alone. Even with the @PoliciaColombia on board, IT WAS NOT EL COLADO who got off the plane. This is a story of non-compliance with safety standards and lack of control.”

According to the citizen's account, everything that happened began on April 19, because due to weather issues many flights in Santa Marta were canceled and people who had to wait more than nine hours at the airport to be allocated a quota. Alberto Echeverri was going with his wife and daughter; and after a while of waiting for his wife and daughter they were assigned a place and a foreigner decided to give him the chair, so that everyone travels.

However, he noticed that a man had snuck in because of the desire to get to the capital on the same flight he had assigned to him and his family. At the time he didn't say anything, because he was watching what the airline was telling him, but when he was going to settle down to travel. The guy who had violated the rules, had taken his chair.

“I asked him to stand up, he screwed me. The stewardess, the same thing. The ground chief, nothing. The man hooked up that he already had a chair and was not going to get off. Here the thing is heated! Private Airport Security came in. NOTHING”, it reads in the trill; and added “The CASTING did not move. He said he had to get to work. Do I empathize with that? Not anymore. Everyone had waited their turn. Not him. It skipped everyone and could cause the flight to be cancelled.”

After a long discussion the police arrived, but the surprise for Echeverri was worse because instead of taking out the guy who did not respect his turn, the authorities came for him. Despite all the efforts and witnesses who had been able to verify that he colado was the man who owned the chair without a ticket, Alberto finally agreed to leave the flight because otherwise it had to be canceled and harmed all passengers.

“I got off, they closed doors in 1 minute, and the plane started. How about a movie. The CASTING flew. I will solve my problem and see when I was traveling. My family, to arrive alone and in suitcases because they took me down with my luggage and that's it,” added the affected person.

He finally noted that he later learned that like him, there are others and that neither the airline nor the authorities do anything about it. Alberto finally made it to Bogotá in the early morning.

