The most secret functions of Android phones that many are unaware of

How to share wifi without giving the password, working with split screen and other useful tools


The cell phone is the center of operations par excellence for taking photos to work. With each update of the operating system (OS), different tools are added to facilitate all kinds of tasks.

Here is a tour of some interesting features found on Android phones. Some came in the 12th edition of this OS and others have been available since earlier.

1. How to view notifications that have been closed

The notification history allows you to see those alerts that came to your mobile phone and were closed without paying attention or that, even if they have been carefully looked at, you want to recover and return for whatever reason.

To activate the notification history, enter the wheel icon that is Settings or Settings, then tap Notifications/Advanced Settings/Notification History and there slide the bar to the right to activate it.

By doing this, it will be possible to enter that section and see the latest notifications received.


2. Use two apps at once with split screen

This is a tool that can be very useful for multitasking. You could, for example, have a window open with a text and another with a doc where you can take note of the most important things; or you could show a video or audio player in one of the tabs and in the other open a text that is being read.


To use this option, you just have to slide to the bottom margin, press on the three stripes that are on the left side, at the bottom and this will open a screen where you can browse the last pages or applications opened.


Tap on the icon of one of the apps, which is located in the top margin and then choose the option that says “Open in split screen view”. When you do this, that app will be open at the top and the other app you select will be seen in the bottom margin.


3. Taking care of digital wellbeing

Digital wellbeing aims to ensure that the user makes responsible use of the screen: that is, to achieve a balance between online and offline moments. To access this menu, go to Settings and in the search engine type “digital well-being”. When you enter this section, you will see the usage time of different applications.

In turn, it is possible to set screen time targets so that after that time the system alerts the user and the user takes a pause.


This is where you can find the concentration mode, within which you can enable the possibility of receiving notifications only from platforms linked to employment; or set the option “time for me” in which you can customize the warnings that will arrive during the time that mode is active.

In this section you will also find the tools for parental control.

4. Increase screen sensitivity

If you use a screen protector, you may feel that the touchscreen has more delay in responding. To solve this, it is necessary to increase the touch sensitivity of the display. This can be done by going to Settings/Screen.


5. Activate one-handed mode

Having a large cell phone can be very useful for different things, such as editing videos, playing video games or even reading texts. But sometimes, manipulating them can be a little awkward.

To overcome this difficulty, you can use the One Hand Operation Mode that is activated within Accessibility and Advanced Features. In this way, the information on the screen will be condensed to make it easier to use with one hand.


6. Share WiFi by QR Code and Nearby Share

To share access to WiFi without having to give the password, simply enter the WiFi settings menu, press on the nut next to the name of the network to which the user is connected and press on the QR code option that appears at the bottom.

When you do this, you will see the QR code of the network in question and below it the option to share it with Nearby Share, a technology of Google's operating systems, Android and Chrome OS, which allows data to be transferred via Bluetooth and WiFi, similar to AirDrop and Android Beam.

You may also find another option to share quickly in that section, which may vary depending on the brand of the mobile phone. Some manufacturers have their own tools to facilitate data transmission between devices of the same brand.