The Apulo-Girardot route presents total closure due to loss of banking

Due to the effects on the road, users must take into account alternate routes to reach their destination


Heavy rains in recent hours have affected much of the country, both roads and the infrastructure of the municipalities have been conditioned by the winter weather this month. Among the main arteries most affected in recent days is the section that connects the municipality of Apulo with Tocaima in Cundinamarca, since since yesterday afternoon, passage has been restricted by a major incident in the structure of the road mesh.

The event was recorded at kilometer 38+890 of the aforementioned road, since constant rainfall and a geological fault caused the loss of the bank in this corridor. No casualties or victims were reported in this incident, but it caused great concern among users, since the mass detachment was noticeable as the road was was sinking. Several people who were in the sector were initially held incommunicado, taking into account that road operators stopped their passage while the risk prevailed.

The Institute of Infrastructure and Concessions of Cundinamarca was present in the area, and demarcated the line of work with emergency care groups, in the same way, there is already a team working to enable the passage that has been restricted so far. In turn, the La Sabana Road Development Concessionaire joined the activities and reported that there are two options for both light and heavy duty vehicles, noting:

Optional for heavy vehicles

Mosquera — Branch to Soacha — Small tables — Viotá

Suggestion for light vehicles

La Mesa — Small tables

For its part, the National Highways Institute (INVIAS) told Infobae Colombia that the restriction of passage applies in both directions, therefore, the alternative route Mesitas del Colegio - Viotá - Tocaima is suggested, this being the most convenient option for people who wish to travel along this road corridor. Work in the area is constant in order to reopen the section, however, the damage is notorious.

In addition to this, it is clear that the area has already been intervened, because at the site of the fracture there are traces of “patching”, precisely in the spaces where the earth gave way. The lane that is most affected is the one that adjoins the precipice of the road. In the meantime, the mayor's office of Apulo has suggested that its inhabitants be attentive to the winter season and possible emergencies that may affect them, for this, they urge not to throw garbage, in order not to generate clogging of sewage pipes.

It is important to keep in mind that this route is one of the alternate axes for the exit to the west of the country, since both tourists and city residents avoid going to the municipality of Soacha and choose to take the route that takes them to the municipality of Tocaima and then to Girardot. On holiday bridges, it suffers significant congestion, because some travelers seek to travel through it to get to Bogotá or leave the same city.

Another of the roads that presented temporary closures today was the Via al Llano, since this route was intervened to carry out an infrastructure operation at the height of the municipality of Chipaque, where a pedestrian bridge was installed. When this artery suffers damage, users usually have two options, in the case of heavy-duty vehicles; they must advance their way from Bogotá to El Sisga and then flow into Villanueva and finish their section in Villavicencio. Meanwhile, light tanks can ascend to Choachí, continue to Ubaque and finish the route on the Caqueza — Villavicencio section.

