Stephanie Cayo: Kerem Bürsin and her reaction when asked about the actress

Stephanie Cayo and Kerem Bürsin were romantically linked and both gave their releases to the international press.


Kerem Bürsin was consulted about rumors that began linking him to actress Stephanie Cayo during a event that took place on April 20 in Spain. The Turkish actor was uncomfortable when asked by the international press if the two would be starting a relationship.

As you remember, the program Amor y Fuego revealed that different media outlets abroad were linking the actors, after an image of the two of them looking very smiling was broadcast and after his breakup with Turkish actress Hande Erçel.

For her part, the Cayo family member avoided referring to the Turkish actor, noting that it is a private issue. “That's a very personal issue. I prefer not to say anything about it.” However, he did not deny that he met him during his trip to Spain. “I have met him and he is a great guy, even though I haven't met him very well yet.”


As can be heard in the translated interview that was broadcast on social media, Kerem Bürsin made it clear that he does not have a relationship with Stephanie Cayo, despite not having wanted to talk about it at the beginning.

“They say that his departure from Spain did not come empty, that he has a girlfriend there,” said the reporter and what caused the model's laughter, responding that he preferred not to talk about it at that time. “That term (girlfriend) is not very pleasant. We shouldn't talk about it now here.”

However, his response was not enough and they continued to insist on the link with the actress. “Is there any truth to it (the rumors)?” . Bürsin quickly explained the reasons why he prefers to remain silent about his private life.

“No, there isn't and I don't want to talk about it. Instead, I think we should change our thinking about these issues. News about love comes out immediately, but it's wrong,” he said.

“Actually, the part that bothers me is my private life. I understand why we are talking about this, but now in our world there are many things that should be talked about and not about this. There are bigger and more important problems happening in our country and in the world. That's why my private life isn't important next to those issues,” he added.

Kerem Bürsin spoke out about rumors of his romance with Stephanie Cayo. VIDEO: Instagram