Russia held Colombia responsible for “sharpening” tensions between the two nations; and they asked the Duque government not to “destroy”

Russian Ambassador Nikolay Tavdumadze reacted to the Colombian President's harsh comments about Putin's UN invasion of Ukraine


Confrontations between the governments of Vladimir Putin in Russia and that of Ivan Duque in Colombia do not cease. This time, the Russian Embassy in our country issued a vehement statement expressing concern about the president's recent statements that would jeopardize the diplomatic relations of both nations.

As announced by the entity led by Russia's ambassador to Colombia, Nikolay Tavdumadze, are “concerned” to see that the national government seeks to “artificially intensify” tensions between the two peoples, in the face of the invasion that Putin ordered of Ukraine.

The diplomat from that country warns that the main perpetrators of the crisis will be Colombian students who live in Russia and are beneficiaries of the scholarships that the government grants them. “It should also be noted that this myopic line also directly affects the interests of a few thousand young Colombians who are currently studying in Russia, including within the framework of the government program that has been in place for many years to provide free scholarships to foreigners,” says the communication.

Moreover, they say that “economic and commercial relations are not winning either”, so they sent a harsh exhortation to the political leaders of the coffee country, in this case, to the government of Ivan Duque, who recently called Russia's actions against the Ukrainian people “genocide”.

“May those responsible for making political decisions in Colombia not choose to destroy what has been built for decades!” , recommended government ambassador Putin, who recalled that that nation has no interference in the country's electoral processes.

Moreover, they recalled Duque's confrontation with the Russian ambassador to the UN Vasiliy Nebenzya, within the framework of the Security, where the non-implementation of the peace agreement was the focus of criticism by the diplomat, which did not go unnoticed by the head of state.


Before concluding the pronouncement, the Russian Embassy in Colombia justified the aggression against Ukraine, explained some of the reasons why they invaded that nation and showed positive that the violence that has occurred in that country for more than two months and which has been in the eye of the world soon ceased. “Here at the Embassy we, like everyone else, hope that this difficult situation, which costs human lives, will end as soon as possible through an agreement between the parties to the conflict,” he concluded.

The comments of Putin's diplomat are in addition to those that his Russian colleague at the UN Vasiliy Nebenzya announced last April 12 to the UN, where he called Ivan Duque's government “unproductive”.

“Colombia is not a normal country, we follow very closely what is happening in the country and we are concerned that its administration systematically avoided mentioning the final peace agreement and instead preferred to talk about the peace agenda based on legality; this program was not approved by the Security Council and it did not agreed to the second part of the final agreement,” said the representative of Russia,” said Nebenzya, which sparked the reaction of the Colombian president.

