President Iván Duque highlighted progress in the reconstruction of Providencia and Santa Catalina

During his visit to these areas, the president highlighted the work carried out by the military forces and the State.


The President of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, participated last Wednesday, April 20, in the Commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the General Command of the Military Forces in San Andrés. The president highlighted the commitment and effort in defending sovereignty and rebuilding San Andrés and Providencia, who were hit hard by Hurricane Lota in 2020.

On November 16, 2020, Hurricane Lota passed through the islands of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, being the only category five to hit the country. 250-kilometer winds wreaked havoc in the territory that, according to authorities, left 98% of the structures affected in Providencia and Santa Catalina, while the Red Cross reported at least 700 victims in San Andrés. All this was added to the damage done by hurricane Eta a few weeks ago and that when it hit the Colombian island it reached category 4.

After what happened, on November 17, 2020, the president said in an interview with La FM that he hoped that the reconstruction of 98% of the houses in Providencia that were affected by the passage of the hurricane, will take place in an average of 100 days, a statement that he himself later denied in Caracol Noticias on December 6 September 2001: “I never said reconstruction in 100 days. I spoke of a Plan 100 that envisaged: removal of debris, attention and restoration of services and commencement of the reconstruction of housing.”

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In the midst of the commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the General Command of the Military Forces in San Andrés, President Iván Duque highlighted the work that the military authorities, as well as the State, have done to advance the reconstruction of the archipelago after being affected by the passage of Hurricane Lota. The Head of State highlighted the importance of collaborative work and that this has already been reflected in the progress and results of coordinated work, which are 85%.

“Hand in hand with the management and leadership of Dr. Susana Correa, under strict supervision of me, allows us to say that more than 85% of the reconstruction work in Providencia has been completed, and we have been able to give it a substantial advance of more than 90% in San Andrés,” said President Iván Duque.

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President Iván Duque said that during his tour of the island he showed the work being carried out and this has allowed people to give new homes, as well as two educational institutions, one of them with private funding. The local mayor's office has a new headquarters and the fire station has already received help.

Regarding all the advances that have been made in recent months, the president pointed out that “it is really a privilege to see the famous and emblematic bridge of lovers that connects Providencia and Santa Catalina installed and operated”.

